The Magic Of Macronutrients



Discover the difference between counting or macros and counting calories to unlock the secret to weight loss and achieving your fitness goals. Understanding macronutrients will help you make healthier and more educated food choices in the marketplace - arm yourself with knowledge!

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The Magic of Macronutrients

The difference between “counting macros” and “counting calories”

What are “Macros”


Comprised of 4 types:◦Protein◦Carbohydrates “Carbs”◦Fat◦Alcohol


**Muscle building superstar**

Protein Function

Builds muscle and prevents muscle loss4 calories per gramControls appetite (can hold hunger off

better than fat or carbs – but more on that later)

Requires energy for your body to break down; really awesome when trying to tackle weight loss

Lean body mass x .05 or up to 1.2 for daily requirements


Carb Function

Carbs are stored in the liver, brain blood and muscles – used as energy for the body

4 calories per gramFound in what seems like everything: fruit

bread, drinks, anything sugary or starchyRange on a daily basis can be dependant

on goals


FAT Function

An essential nutrient; it assists in vitamin absorption, hormone regulation etc.

Good fats versus bad fats; but all are 9 calories per gram

Usually 0.35 – 0.7 per lean body mass percentage is a good goal on a daily basis

Fat has gotten a bad rap, but it’s important to note that too much fat (even good fat) isn’t good

So what does this mean??

More Labels…

Counting Calories versus Counting Your Macros

Calories (similar to the Weight Watchers style) of doing this does not account for your individual needs

Macronutrient counting has been called a more complicated and more glorified form of calorie counting – not so

Good calculators online can can help you figure out your general targets

Counting Macros v. “Eating Clean”

Allows flexibility in mind set

Can be complex and time consuming

Need to know what your lean body mass is to begin with

There are no “good” or “bad” foods

Good food = healthy body

Some foods are demonized and can give people a complex

Can still gain weight eating clean if you are in a calorie surplus


Understanding what macros are and how to read labels can help you determine why you are or are not hitting fitness goals

Beware of marketing; you can decide via the label if something is “good” for you or not

Handy calculators and apps such as “My Fitness Pal” make counting easy on the go
