Women of the 21st century




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Freedom of speech

Freedom from fear

Freedom from torture

Freedom from enslavement

Freedom to vote

Freedom of choice

Freedom of religion


Our Vedas tell us that women held an important place in ancient culture.

No ritual was ever complete without the

presence of a woman by her man’s side. All our gods are worshipped

alongside their heavenly consorts. There is no

dichotomy there.

Events on Earth demand the emergence of the feminine

essence of Love all around. In the 21st century women do

not need to look at the historical injustices done to her. It’s

time to put all that behind her and look forward to her

empowered role in this ‘Aquarian age’. Women today need

not look anywhere for a perfect role model.

The time is ripe for women of all races, castes, class,

and nationalities to come together to be the harbinger of this change.

Mother Earth is crying for attention, soon it will show its true might and

annihilate all the evil forces along the way.

21st century is the century for change. The Planet Earth is ready for ‘The Shift of the Ages’. In this

New Age, love and compassion will rule the roost, and the woman with her natural attributes of

compassion will sow the seeds of global transformation. These changes have already

begun, and soon they will gain an unprecedented momentum.

Recent years have shown many more females enroll in

graduate ,law and medical programs following college.

The University of Michigan was the first state medical

school to fully accept women in 1870; in contrast, 42% of

the students in the Stanford medical school in 1995 were

women. The type of expertise gained at such schools

makes it possible for women to obtain the high-salary jobs

that would otherwise be out of their reach.

Changing women

The desire to advance their career requires women to commit to years of competition and relentless work

while establishing a stable, successful working situation. This often means late nights at the office and

frequent business trips with little time to maintain a successful relationship, let alone start a family. In the

past, these years were used to settle down in a relationship and have children, but now many women

are putting motherhood on hold while they concentrate on advancing their careers.

Not only are women living different lives than their mothers before them, they are living longer lives as well. According to the Center for Disease Control, the life expectancy of an American woman in 1900

was 48.3 years. In 1950 their life expectancy rose to 71.1 years, and in 2000 they reached a new high with

a life expectancy of 79.5 years.

The modern career woman, equipped with a rich education and a

powerful drive, boasts a different image than her female

predecessors. The life of a woman has changed drastically over the

past hundred years, and will continue to evolve for years to come. With their access to high

degrees of education, women are able to venture into new fields and excel in new careers, and by doing

so are changing the role they play in society.

Today women are taking a different approach towards their health than they did in previous

generations. Seeking information through available resources including newspapers,

magazines and the Internet, women today are more health conscious and informed. They are

taking an active role in their health care by learning to demand certain tests, get second

opinions and to ask their doctors all of the right questions.

Looking ahead

Today at the dawn of the 21st century the women

across the world are placed at a position of

advantage. They are literally on the move. They are

paying heed to their inner voice. They are no longer

interested in hollow jargon and jingoism. They are

finding their individual and collective voice. They are

aligned with their conscience, moving ahead with

purposeful strides.

Let me assure you that the 21st century is the

century of the ‘feminine’. If you don’t believe me

now, you soon will......

Thank you
