25. Kristal Elma Yaratıcılık Festivali Katıldığım 20 Sunumdan Notlar, 25-28 Eylül 2013


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Sedef Sapanlı Akkor@boogy akademi


Kristal Elma Yaratıcılık Yarışması, 25. yılında bir ilke imza atarak 4 günlük

festival formatında gerçekleştirildi.

Türkiye ve yurtdışından 5.000’e yakın reklam, pazarlama, reklamveren,

medya ve iletişim sektörü temsilcisi ve 600’den fazla öğrenci ; global

ölçekte en iyi - en yaratıcı olarak tanımlanan fikir önderleriyle buluştu.

Bilgi Üniversitesi Santral Kampüsü’nde

gerçekleştirilen festivalde, sponsor

standlarında birçok yaratıcı etkinlik de yapıldı.

boogy akademi olarak BÜYEM işbirliği ile

gerçekleştirdiğimiz “Etkinlik ve Eğlence

Sektöründe Pazarlama Yönetimi” Sertifika

Programı’mızı tanıtmak için, biz de Future 25’te

“bir süreliğine” mini bir stand açtık...

boogy akademi, etkinlik ve eğlence sektöründe kariyer yapmak isteyen gençleri

nitelikli işgücü olarak sektöre kazandırmak amacıyla, etkinlik sektörünün öncü

firması boogy the event company’nin eğitim platformu olarak 2011’de kuruldu.

boogy akademi’nin ilk uzun dönemli projesi, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yaşam Boyu Eğitim

Merkezi (BÜYEM) işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilen “Etkinlik ve Eğlence Sektöründe

Pazarlama Yönetimi” sertifika programıdır.

Basında ve sosyal medyada da oldukça ilgi gören sertifika programı hakkında detaylı

bilgi için web sitemizi inceleyebilirsiniz; www.boogyakademi.com

Sponsor standlarından örnekler...

25. Kristal Elma Yaratıcılık Festivali’nde reklam ve pazarlama

dünyasından global konuşmacılar, ilham veren sunumlar gerçekleştirdi...

MY Top 5 Presentation List/ Katıldığım Sunumlardan En İyi İlk 5 Sunum Listem

1. Recalibrating Digital Conversations/ David Shing – AOL Digital Prophet

2. Content 2020/ Jonathan Mildenhall – The Coca-Cola Company VP of Global

Advertising Strategy and Creative Excellence

3. Our “Dam” Life/ Mark Bernath & Eric Qennoy - Wieden + Kennedy

Amsterdam Executive Creative Directors

4. Creative Culture: Built It and They Will Come/ Tor Myhren - Grey NY

President and CCO

5. Perform or Perish! Consumer Trends That Will Make You Kick Ass in 2014

1.Dijital dünyada başarılı olmak için,

şimdi ne yapmalıyız?

Hedef kitleniz her zaman en popüler ve

göz önünde olan mecrada olmayabilir.

Onlara ulaşmak için en parlak mecraları

değil, en doğru mecraları araştırın.

Nokta atışı işler yapın, para ve enerjinizi

boşa harcamayın.

2.Fırsatlar nerede?

Yeni hikayeler ancak yeni teknolojilerin

doğru kullanımıyla geniş kitlelere

ulaşabilir. Başarılı hikayeler yaratmak

için pazarın ekosistemini


3.Nasıl yapabiliriz?

Taklit etmeden özgün fikirler yaratmalı

ve başkalarına örnek olmalısınız.


Sony Xylophone Ad


Toytoyota Backseat Driver


Sony Make TV; Live Interactive TV Show


Aynı sunumun bigumigu notları:


reklamcilari-cannes-da-basarinin-sirrini-anlatiyor 2

Hata yapma korkusu çalışanları tektipleştirir. Reklam ajanlarında bu

korkuyu minimize eden yapılar olmalı.

Ajansın yaratıcılığı, Müşteri’nin inancı ve kararlılığı ile sınırlı.

Müşteriye güven ve inancı vermek de ajansın önceliği olmalı.

Yaratıcı fikir çok iyiyse önünde birşey duramaz...

Ajans hesaplanabilir riskler alarak, fikirlerini savunmalı ve Müşteri’yi

doğru anlayarak fikrini iyi araçlarla sunmalıdır.

İyi fikir iyi sunulmazsa heba olabilir...

Reklam sektöründe ezberci yaklaşım değişmeli, neyle beslenirseniz

onla büyürsünüz. “Ünlü kullanımı” ve “jingle prodüksiyonu” üzerinde

kurulu bir reklamcılık dünyası var (Karpat Polat).

Brief sadece kağıttan ibaret değildir. Briefte belirtilen noktaları

gerçekten gidip yaşamak lazım.

Insight; aslında bildiğimiz noktaların yaşayarak ve temel insanlık

bilgisine vakıf olarak tekrar yorumlanmasıdır (Ayşe Bali).

Problemle çözüm arasındaki çizgi evrenseldir. İşe yarayan

reklamcılık, problemi en yaratıcı şekilde çözmek ve bir değişiklik


Mantıksızlık seviyesinde optimist olmak lazım, Müşteri’ye

sunduğunuz fikirler beğenilmezse sakın düşmeyin ve azimle devam

edin! (Alemşah Öztürk) .

Başarı, başarısızlıktan başarısızlığa hevesle gidebilmektir.


İktidarla değil, zanaatla başarılı olabilmektir önemli olan...

Oreo Daily Twisty Real -Time Marketing Case Study (Alemşah örnek)



Case Study: Chipotle, “Back to the Start”

Endüstriyel üretimden doğal çiftlik hayatına dönen çiftçinin öyküsü...


Case Study: The Ant Rally

Karıncalar WWF 50. yıldönümünde yağmur ormanlarını kurtarmak

için aktivist mesajlarını taşıdılar ve yürüyüş yaptılar!


Case Study: Dump Ways To Die

Cannes 2013’te Grand Prix alan kampanya. Avustralya Metro Trains,

yolcuların daha dikkatli şekilde metroya binmelerini amaçlıyor.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw http://www.canneslions.com/inspiration/past_grands_prix_advert.cfm?sub_channel_id=334

Reklam tonunun devamlılığı sağlanmalı, farklılaşma noktası olmalı.

Case Study: Solo, “Soon To Be World Famous” Campaign



Square Technology: we live in a “Cashless Society” with a “Mobile

Wallet” https://squareup.com/

Future of content world: “Cashless Society” with a “Mobile Wallet”

Case Study: Netflix, from renting films to a big content company.


Cannes 2013 google Creative Sandbox Speeech;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmiL0t20pTg 5

. You have to work in multi-disciplinary teams.

. How can brands fit into consumer’s world?

. Context around the situation/ moment of interaction and

authenticity is crucial.

. Brand behavior; it’s not about what you say about the brand but what

you do with the brand.

. What’s in it for me?

. How can your brand stand out in the crowd?

. Value of offering;

a) Through entertainment, ads etc.

b) by usefulness, creating day to day interaction.

. What can a brand do to make my everyday life better?

Case Study: O2 “Priority Moments” Campaign


Case Study: Nike Plus and Nike Fuel

“Life is a sport, make it count”. If you have a body, you are an athlete.

From play to participation. “If you gonna fail, fail fast”.

Always start with prototyping.



R/GA working methodology: ‘story - entertainment - demonstration –

play - enablement – information – system’/ Audience, Participant, User

R/GA working methodology: story - entertainment - demonstration –

play - enablement – information - system/ Audience, Participant, User

R/GA working methodology & philosophy

MY Top 5 Presentation List/ 4th (Similar presentation at TEDxDU)

TEDxDU; http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/Tor-Myhren-at-TEDxDU-Radical-Co

Aynı sunumun bigumigu notları:



9 To Noon: Every Thursday, between 9:00 – 12:00 it’s not allowed to

have any Client or Account Meetings in Grey NY! These 3 hours are

spared for creative thinking only...

Heroic Failure Award: Grey awards employees for taking risks and if

fails at the end. They believe better ideas come up through failure...

How to turn a mistake into a strength*?

*In 2011 Cannes Festival, Grey decided to make airplane ad with

agency’s famous tagline “famously effective”. But something very

unexpected happened and turned out that there was a terrible typo at

the tagline and it was written as “famousily”!

*They accepted their terrible mistake and tried to make a campaign to

turn this mistake into a strength... They opened a social platform with

the name of the person who was responsible from the mistake...

“If you fail, fail fast” is their philosophy.

askgrey.com: Grey promises to answer every kind of employee

questions honestly.

Grey was the only agency featured in Fast Company 50 Most

Innovative Companies In The World in 2010 and 2011.

Case study: Febreze London 2012 Sponsorship Campaign Febreze

(P&G) the air and fabric freshener, sponsored the Olympic wrestling

team of Azerbaijan. They did a Febreze experiment with Azerbaijani

wrestling team; “Can Febreze Air Effects defeat the smelly air in their

gym for good?”

The campaign won Cannes Bronze Lion and Silver Effie.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUN9ser3BZM http://greyny.com/work/febreze-azerbaijan-olympics-wrestling-team

In this era, all 3 generations are living together; the baby boomers,

Gen X and Millenials.

To be successful, you have to penetrate to pop-culture positively and

integrate all 3 generations instead of separating them to segments.



In Grey, we create work environments to encourage radical

collaboration. No cubicles, no walls, open office and even a big bed!

But sometimes especially for creative ideas to emerge, there is a

need to be alone and work in a radically uncollaborative


Creativy is the number 1 competency in leadership.



Case Study: Grey Anti-gun campaign



Case Study: The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp


Started with headline of “Creators We Admire”,

Apple Think Different 1997 Campaign: “Here’s To Crazy Ones”


Coke Working Model: Coke invests 70% of its projects on low risk

content, 20 % on innovative content and 10% on innovative but higly

risky content meaning that there is quite a chance of failure.

Case Studies mentioned in the presentation:

*Share a Coke@ Australia/ To become part of popular culture



*Coke Polar Bowl@Super Bowl/ example for “dynamic story telling”



*Hall of Happiness@Thailand/ To increase gross domestic happiness...

Real-time interaction & Positive energy re-builders http://www.creamglobal.com/17798/31781/million-reasons-to-believe-in-thailand

*Toe Tappy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo31riY3mzM

* Move to the Beat of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Campaign


Case Studies mentioned in the presentation:

* Project Re:Brief http://www.projectrebrief.com/coke/


* Dolce & Gabbana Drink Coke T-shirts/ 1 t-shirt costs 260 $!

* Fanta The Big Bounce Experience/ An unsuccessful case


* Coca-Cola Small World Machines: Bringing India & Pakistan Together http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts_4vOUDImE


Serdar Kuzuloğlu’nun notları:


Aynı sunumun bigumigu notları:


3 big shifts in communication:

1. Disruption to Connection

2. Search to Discovery

3. Heavyweight to Lightweight

How can brands contribute to conversation of their target segments?

Case Studies Mentioned:

* Rolex The Clockmaker’s Four: http://newsfeeder.com/630

*Wendy’s Pretzel Love Songs: http://newsfeeder.com/738

*UPS Employee Stories: http://newsfeeder.com/?s=UPS

*Nescafé France, self experiences of a French Guy

Amber Johnson’s initiative campaign to return Choco-ade product of

Griffin’s New Zealand back to shelves. She did succeed and Griffin

started to produce the choco-ade again after the intensive facebook

campaign. https://www.facebook.com/GriffinsNZ/posts/469798386372484





Johnnie Walker has been in Turkish market for a very long time.

The logo’s iconic change years ago implies personal progress.

Arthur’s Day: worldwide events to celebrate the legendary Arthur

Guinness’ birthday.




John Walker & Sons Voyager: A 1920s-styled yacht, which set sail in

Shanghai in September, travelled around Asia for six months before

starting its European leg in May from Portofino, Italy.

Its final stop is Edinburgh, the birthplace of the brand almost two

centuries ago, but before, it stayed in London for a few days to

celebrate The Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Celebration.




Join The Pact Campaign: worldwide Formula 1 drivers joined together

for a shared purpose of JW’s Don’t Drink and Drive platform.




The Spirit of Istanbul Viral: a food blogger (Istanbul Eats and Culinary

Backstreets), gourmet and writer Ansel Mullins explores the unique

tastes of Istanbul with Yeni Rakı. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwMGypmYm5s

http://istanbuleats.com/ - http://www.culinarybackstreets.com/

Spirit of Istanbul Week: The Spirit of Istanbul Week,” featured a series

of entertaining events in contracted restaurants in various European

cities between 8 and 16 March 2013. Arranging special weekly events

in contracted venues, Yeni Raki aims to show Europeans the modern

aspects of raki enjoyment.





cikarma-yapiyor/ http://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/yeni-raki-carries-the-spirit-of-istanbul-




Independent self invested agencies are increasingly winning big

client pitches i.e. Kolle Rebbe won the Lufthansa pitch in Germany

with “Nonstop You” Campaign or Comzone the first independent ad

agency in Cambodia or Vitamine in China.

www.leadingindependents.com - www.thenetworkone.com




Compared to big agency networks, financial values of new technology

companies are so far higher!

Compared to big agency networks, new technology companies’

average CEO age is so far younger!

Case Study: Pump It Forward by Vitamine China for Johnson’s Baby

China. Vitamine got the above brief. And they created a new platform

for mothers for initiating a great social responsibility programme.

Vitamine Agency China is an independent agency.

Case Study: Pump It Forward To regain mothers’ trust and increase brand advocacy after a PR crisis in

2011, Johnson’s Baby China worked with Vitamine to launch a campaign,

aiming to support and assist China’s ‘work-and-pump’ moms, who need to

pump milk in workplaces that lack designated nursing spaces. An online

motherhood social movie was released to bring attention to this issue,

followed by an interactive digital map, created to enable an easy sharing of

relevant information. A reusable sticker was given to mothers to turn any

vacant room into a temporary nursing room. http://adage.com/article/global-news/local-digital-ad-agencies-upper-hand-china/241010/



Case Study: People’s Car Project by Volkswagen China

The project was done by Goodstein independent creative agency.

It’s considered as the biggest crowsourced product up to date. http://gdstn.com/building-ppls-car - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sDmROr1Xjk

Major Turkish independent agencies in the network are;

Alametifarika, Elektrik, Brick, M.A.R.K.A., Celcius, Veritas Media, DBI ve

Zen Media. And they have major Clients.

At Campaign UK Agency New Business League Top 10 Table of 2013,

there are 4 independent agencies.

Case Study: Johnnie Walker One Bottle Liquor Store



King James is a successful independent ad agency in South Africa.

Santam vs Nandos Case Study: One of their major clients is Santam, the

insurance company. After Nando’s ripped off an ad from Santam which

illustrated how easy it was to miss the details, Santam fired back with a

challenge: Nando’s was to drop off a very specific order of food at a

children’s home... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xjQAYZCQAc


Case Study: Santam Hypnosis Advert - Baby On Board

The campaign encouraged people to "Be safe out there". Aim was to make

people think about risks they take on daily basis and highlight the fact

that even the smallest change in thinking can only make people safer.

World-renowned hypnotist Keith Barry hypnotised people in controlled

locations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxnELZ3F0ss

Alexandre Peralto founded Peralto independent agency in Rio.

Case Study: Natura Amo Valentines Day Airplane Surprise




“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, The Revolution Will Be Live.” The

cult song by Gil Scott-Heron was the opening of his presentation.

Operation Christmas & River of Light Case Studies: The Ministry of Defence

in Colombia ran “Operación Navidad” (Operation Christmas), in an attempt

to encourage the demobilization of guerilla fighters FARC in the jungles of

Colombia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGaRtqrlGy8


www.youtube.com/watch?v=gODTTz3ayCk - www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhNaZ0w7eEA


Mission Playback: Colombia's Army collected signatures from all of the

most famous players, celebrities and even the Colombian people, to give

to guerrillas a message of peace and demobilization. They throw all the

signed balls through a helicopter to forests where guerillas hide. http://www.behance.net/gallery/TV-Mission-Playback/4007059



MY Top 5 Presentation List/ 3rd


MY Top 5 Presentation List/ 3rd

12 Aynı sunumun bigumigu notları: http://bigumigu.com/haber/kristal-elma-wieden-kennedy-den-reklamcilik-degil-insanlik-dersi

How to keep the inspiration in this banana business?

How to cope with Clients having no visceral reaction and “quoted words?”

Do not always believe in consumer research and advertising pre-testing

results... Do you think a black guy, in a towel, with some diomonds, on a

horse, talking to other men’s ladies, would make it through testing?

Acc. to a research done in US, the people’s most favorite painting will be

something like this; with George Washington in nature, some gazelles...

How to be successful in this banana business?

1. Bring on the fun: to be creative you have to have great fun at office...

2. Do stuff that is not advertising: sometimes it’s better not to do advertising.

How to be successful in this banana business?

3. Fuck with the building: you live most of your time at office, do anything.

4. Hire wrong: hire outsiders who understand the stuff of life, who has “life

experience” more than work.... W+K Amsterdam has 25 different nationalities of


How to be successful in this banana business?

5. Make the box smaller: give creatives one big problem to solve. Do not give a

brief full of details, be simple! Creatives like their playground to be much smaller.

How to be successful in this banana business?

6. Be interesting or be ignored: give the Car Account to someone who has never

drove a car in his life because he might come up with so different ideas with a

different perspective!

How can our Clients help us?

1. Be visceral: show your emotions and share your feelings with us!

2. Demand and offer mutual respect: mutual respect is key for long term.

3. Walk into the room wanting us to succeed: we want to feel that energy.

How can our Clients help us?

4. Remember, stupidity is our greatest strength: sometimes we might

come up with stupid ideas, do not criticize at first sight...

5. Embrace the unpredictable: sometimes unplanned things turn for best.

How can our Clients help us?

6. Don’t always stick to the script: sometimes best ideas come

spontaneously, don’t interrupt our spontaneous suggestions.

7. Aspire to have a strong brand: remember a strong brand’s differentiating


Aspire to have a strong brand*

* A strong brand is a provocative brand.

* A strong brand isn’t afraid to show emotions.

Aspire to have a strong brand*

* A strong brand doesn’t shy away from controversy.

* A strong brand isn’t afraid to take a stand.



Johan Kramer is a film director working independently in various sectors.

One of his main interests is football and he directed many football ads for

different brands including adidas, Coca-Cola, Fox Sports, Turkish Airlines. http://chelsea.com/director/johan-kramer/video/cocacola-queserra/



Johan Kramer also directed a documentary film about Bhutan and

Monserrat FIFA World Cup Final named “The Other Final” and an

independent film named “Johan Primero” about a unique Spanish

Barcelona fan who drives rounds before every game as a totem.



Johan Kramer has a coffee blog and he shoots short films of the coffees and

people he visits. He is also working with a new Turkish agency called

290squaremeters İstanbul.






Case Studies

Toytoyota Backseat Driver: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkctbJWgitQ

Tesco Homeplus Subway Virtual Store: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcgfgO3Vzmw

Case Study: Atomic Tom Live iPhone Jam Session on NYC Subway


Case Study; Pencils of Promise

http://www.pencilsofpromise.org/ -


We live in a multi-screen world.

“ Wearable technologies” will tend to increase.

Case Study: Burberry Smart Personalisation. Wearable technologies are on

the rise. Burberry's use of new tecnology chipsis a good example; chips are

attached to certain clothes and accessories so that when a customer

approaches one of the screens in the common areas or in a fitting room,

specific content - say, information about a bag's stitching and

craftsmanship, or a video showing how a skirt was worn on the catwalk -

will appear.

The chips will be attached before products leave manufacturing centers to

assist with inventory tracking and management as well. http://mashable.com/2013/02/17/burberry-rfid-chip/


Building video experiences is the FUTURE!

Social utility will be so crucial like water or electricity: friend od a friend

and referral will become a better way of commerce.

Case Study: giffgaff, “Shopper as affiliate”. Giffgaff is a mobile network run

by its members. The idea is build on getting rewards for encouring

others/friends to buy the service or product.

http://giffgaff.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04CR3NZPm_4

Case Study: Burberry London Digital Store. Burberry’s flagship store in

Regent Street, London has seamlessly integrated technology throughout.

Full-length screens wrap the store, transitioning between audio-visual

content displays, live-streaming hubs and and mirrors. At times, models

walk between video screens, mimicking the "Burberry World Live. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh6DcY7zoYI

http://mashable.com/2012/09/13/burberry-regent-street-store/ http://www.wallpaper.com/fashion/the-digitally-enhanced-new-burberry-flagship-store-london/6055

From Connected Generation to Connection Generation...


MY Top 5 Presentation List/ 5th

Aynı Sunumun bigumigu Notları:



About Generation G; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7ZPLlhKVo 17

Expectation economy; desire for the best of the best!

Copying is ok when a better is done. Good examples of better copying; ebay

Pop-up QR Code Shops (First; Tesco Homeplus Subway QR Shopping) or

BMW’s Drive Now Premium Car Sharing (First; Car Pools)


We are aware of all things happening around, the public demonstrations or

blases. They are also affecting the trends.

Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Recipe Cart Campaign Brasil; Hellman’s Shopping

Cart-Mounted Tablets involved use of NFC (Near Field Communication)

technology to immediately suggest meal ideas to shoppers as they walked

past other ingredients. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT_Uc4PZBqQ



Bump in the app before you bump into bed: In Iceland, as population is very

small, there is quite a chance that the person you meet at a bar might be

your relative!

To prevent any confusions, an application is created that when they

entered surname, the app replies if you are relative or not

Presentation Link; http://we.tl/Kwynxs0NTU


Pow Wow Labs; http://powwowlabs.net/

Roadtrip to Innovation Speech; https://vimeo.com/54372926 18

http://powwowlabs.net/ - http://powwowlabs.net/?p=70

http://powwowlabs.net/ - http://powwowlabs.net/?p=70


MindMeld, a smarter way to have conversations on your iPad.

Expect Labs is the creator of the iPad app called MindMeld, which is the first

voice and video calling app that can actually understand conversations in

real-time to make it easy to find and share related information as you talk.




Aynı sunumun bigumigu notları:



Check the website of Think TV 2020 Vision: http://www.thinktv.com.au/













Follow the highly-acclaimed 2020 Vision "Future of TV" documentary series.

Think TV presents a brand new series which explores "The New TV Landscape"

and the opportunities it presents for advertisers.

http://www.thinktv.com.au/content_common/pg-watch-2.seo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgfqys_pkAo

























Turkcell Lazer Odaklanma TVCs;

Kreatife Giriş: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYf9lj2lhwU

Müşteri Temsilcisi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5bttKW2bZU

Müşteri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HHAEAj_N4o

1. Katılımcıların interaktif olmasını sağlayacak platformlar yaratılmalı;

a. Festival web sitesinde katılımcıların kendi notlarını ve yorumlarını

paylaşabileceği bir bölüm oluşturabilir.

b. Sunumlar monolog olarak tamamlanıyor, sunumların öncesinde sosyal

medya üzerinden katılımcılardan sorular alınabilir ve sunum sonunda

moderatör bu soruları sunum yapan konuşmacıya yönlendirebilir.

2. Yurtdışındaki festivallerde olduğu gibi sunumlar 5-10 dakikalık özet

bölümler şeklinde montajlanarak festival web sitesinde yayınlanabilir. Zaten

bazı sunumların aynıları veya çok benzerleri daha önce başka festivallerde

yapılmış, you tube videolarında biraz araştırınca çıkıyor. Bu videolar hem

öğrenciler için önemli bir kaynak hem de arşiv amaçlı kullanıma açılabilir.

3. Sunum yapanların sunum başlıkları ile içerikleri uyumlu olmalı, katılımcıları

yeni birşey sunma beklentisine sokanlar bunu gerçekleştirmeli.

4. Pazarlamanın farklı alanlarından daha fazla Türk konuşmacıya yer verilmeli,

Türkiye’de gerçekleştirilen yaratıcı örnekler de paylaşılmalı.

5. Öğrenci Bileti uygulaması tüm Öğretim Görevlileri ve Akademisyenleri de

kapsamalı. Bu festivalde maalesef çok az akademisyene rastladım...

Üniversiteler ve akademik dünyadan daha fazla katımcıya kucak açılmalı.


14 K












Sedef Sapanlı Akkor ssapanli@boogy.com.tr

