6 Essential Steps For a Business to Improve Their Online Presence Part 2



Improve your online presence starting today by implementing these steps. No longer do you have to wonder what needs to be done. Follow these steps and you WILL increase your online presence. Don't delay. Don't procrastinate, just do it.

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This is part 2 of a 2 part series. You may want to go back and view part 1 before viewing this presentation.

So you’ve bought a domain and set up a website. You’ve signed up for Twitter and Facebook, and update your blog religiously. Your business’ internet audience is increasing as more and more people begin to take an

interest in the products and services you provide.

What can you do now to keep your online presence thriving?


Expand Your Social Networking Reach

You’ve already set up accounts for the big social networking sites, but there’s a lot more out there to help promote your business. Besides the

Instagram account you may already have, consider starting a Flickr page to share pictures of products, events, and customers. If not Flickr, perhaps Panoramio, which, in my opinion, has more SEO benefits. Sign up for

Google+ and set up a business page—this will not only help you reach out to customers, but improve your ranking in search engine results, as well.

Start a short podcast covering the latest changes and developments in your industry every week, then post it to Soundcloud or get an account on

popular podcast platform Libsyn. All of these will help you conquer the corners of the Internet just outside the social networking mainstream. Not

only do they give you a larger audience to market to, but they also give you opportunities for backlinks and citations.


Blogging and Social Media

Blogging can be a full-time job. It takes effort, research, and talent to write entertaining and informative posts on a regular basis. If you want to make your business’ blog a must-read destination, you’ll

need to update it on a regular basis with interesting content. To really have success with blogging and social media, you need to focus your

time on it and be consistent and active. A half-hearted effort will yield minimal results. SEOBulldog understands it can be difficult for a small business owner to run their business all day and then come

home and blog, come up with status updates, respond to social media posts, look for ways to get more followers, create videos, etc., so we

offer blog posting services for small businesses as well as social media management services.


Make Videos and Try to Go Viral

YouTube is the most popular video site in the world, and if your business isn’t on it, it should be. The best part of YouTube is no

one expects your videos to have expensive production standards—you can post customers enjoying their products, or a short creative commercial and still rake in views. Try to be funny and unique in an offbeat way for a better chance at your video going viral and

lighting up the blogosphere, driving more hits, and views to your business’ website.

One of the best methods at providing value with video is doing a Q & A session or a “Top Tips” section. Those not only are short

(watchable in a couple minutes), but are good content for such sites as Facebook and Google +.


Optimize Your Website For All Browsers & Mobile

Many business owners fail to think about this final step. Everyone uses different browsers when they go online,

whether it’s Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer. Each has its own unique way of doing things, and a website

that looks great on Chrome might look like a disaster on Safari. Hire a web developer to optimize your site across all platforms, including mobile devices. More and more, we’re

browsing the web from our phones. Make sure potential customers have no problem looking up your business while

on the subway or taking a break at work.


What tips do you have for the SEOBulldog audience?

What are you doing to increase your reach online and make it easier for your ideal customer to find you?


Contact Me:Tyson Downstyson@seobulldog.com 801-871-9099
