6 Tips to Grow Your Email Marketing List (Authentically!)



When it comes to email marketing, we completely understand how valuable your list is. BUT you don't want to go about growing your list the wrong way (buying, sharing, etc). Read on to see our top 6 tips on how you can easily grow your email list while following email best practices! Custora Report: http://blog.custora.com/2013/06/e-commerce-customer-acquisition-snapshot

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Email acquisition is an important part of any

email marketing program.

A report by Custora showed that email acquisition

quadrupled from 2009-2013!!

These 6 steps will help you: - Acquire new customers - Reduce churn

- Nurture existing customers

#1. Optimize Your Opt-In

- Make your opt-in form visible - Don’t ask for too much information

- Provide incentives - Disclose everything - Provide credentials to earn their trust

#2. Create Multiple Opportunities for Sign-UP

Place sign-up opportunities on: - Thank you pages

(after they fill out a form)

- Blog - Website - Landing page - Live events

#3. Create a Stellar welcome


- Make it personal - Say thank you(!) - Spark user engagement - Deliver your email right away - Provide incentives - Gather additional information

#4. Develop Valuable Email Content

- Write addictive subject lines - Get to the point - Dress your email to impress - Personalize your messaging

#5. Implement an Email Preference


- Reduce unsubscribe, complaint/ spam reports

- Showcase your email offerings - Implement segmentation strategies

#6. Focus on Email Deliverability

- Use strong permission practices - Eliminate inactives - Focus on high-value customers - Test before you send - Monitor your engagement rates

For a more detailed explanation for each of these

tips, download our guide How to Authentically Grow

Your Email List!

Happy emailing!
