Allow customers to chooose Delivery Time


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Allow Customers to



Advanced Delivery Schedule – Magento ExtensionIntroduced by MageWorld

1. Flexible delivery time options

With Advanced Delivery Schedule by MageWorld, customers can actively choose delivery time, which is most suitable .

1. Flexible delivery time options

The module also allows customers to give comment for delivery (address, products handling,…)

2. Easy to manage number of orders per slot

With Advanced Delivery Schedule extension, you can limit the number of orders per time slot.

10 orders only

3. Set delay time to delivery

All earlier slots (Delay time) are disabled and customers can’t select

For example: When admin inserts 24, the current time is 5:00pm, 2015/03/26, then only slots after 24 hours counted from the current time (5 pm) will be enabled at Frontend. All earlier slots are disabled and customers can’t select.
