BYU Communications Capstone - Client Presentation


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Challenges Strengths

Cohabitation is Popular

Negative External Factors

No Role Models

Desire to Better the World

Desire to Achieve Marriage

Statistics Support Marriage

Situation Analysis

Millennials want marriage...

But don’t know how to succeed at it.

Raise awareness of the importance of marriage to society and reinforce it as a meaningful way for individuals to achieve life’s greatest meaning and joy.

Campaign Goal

Married Millennials

Female MillennialsMale Millennials 24-29Male Millennials 18-23

Key Publics

“Hub & Spoke” Strategy

Objectives & Evaluation

Tactic Examples - YouTube Videos

● Short, entertaining, shareable

● Used for YouTube pre-roll advertisements

● Immediately engaging

● Based on YouTube’s “Video Playbook”

Tactic Examples - WiFi Hotspots

Tactic Examples - Mobile App: “Hooked!”

Tactic Examples - “TED” Talks

Tactic Examples - Other Social Media

Campaign Scope

Mountain West

Sun Belt

American Southeast

Key Points

Hub-and-spoke strategic approach.

Highly targeted strategic campaign.

Affordable with significant results.

Raise awareness and motivate millennials.
