Chennai Retail Summit - Winning the Connected Consumer, The Digital Way


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Consumer delight: Win the Connected Consumer - The Digital Way

7th Oct 2016

Content Marketing – how should one approach it?

Connectivity has changed everything!

And more so in the last 10 years!

Content Marketing – how should one approach it?

Winning the Connected Consumer



Growing your Community

Content Marketing – how should one approach it?


Google Research shows that local informatiion

If Samson can benefit from online presence, surely retailers can

You need to be searchable so that your business can be found

You need to be searchable so that your business can be found

Discovery can happen even on Social Media

Targetting can be very niche

Parents: 2.2 Lakhs

Targetting can be very niche

Users are searching for content – can you cater to it

Even Influencers can create this content for you

Content Marketing – how should one approach it?


Very important to bring the online-offline connect

Very important to bring the online-offline connect

Incentivise for them spreading the word online

Content Marketing – how should one approach it?

Growing your Community

Keep in touch with customers

Can you engage users with interesting content

Fun & Relevant content works best rather than just product

Fun & Relevant content works best rather than just product

“Likes” and “Follow” do not matter…

What metrics to track

Online Offers redeemed at

the Store

% of customers who found the store via digital

Driving Directions to

the Store

Calls from Digital

Online Reach & Engagement

Everything can be tracked online – Look at your Google My Business Listing for more info

What you can start with!!

Ensure Google Listing is appropriate

Engage with existing customers via digital

Run an Online-Offline Integrated Campaign

Thank You

Email: vikas@socialbeat.inTwitter: @jvchawla
