Create Promote and Repeat: 5 Steps to Cross-Platform Content Marketing



How do you scale your content creation efforts in a world of cross-platform marketing. It is easy, you just Create, Promote and Repeat - all in 5 easy steps and you will be on your way to scaling your content marketing like never before. Every great content marketing program starts with your owned, original content. The tricky part is, of course, creating that owned, original content -- and scaling it across multiple platforms. Especially when you don’t have a big budget or team. We can help. We’re a small company, but we’ve got a formula for consistently creating and scaling content. And serving it up for your community and customers to consume again and again.

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Create, Promote, Repeat: 5 Steps To Cross-Platform Content MarketingJanuary 2014

Every great content marketing program starts with your owned, original content.

(You probably knew this already.)

The tricky part is, of course, creating that owned, original content…

…and scaling it across multiple platforms.

…especially when you don’t have a big budget or team.

We can help.

We’re a small company, but we’ve got a formula for consistently creating and scaling content.

And serving it up for your community and customers to consume again and again.

Here’s how.

1What Do You Want To Talk About?

Your content marketing strategy starts with you:

What do you want to talk about?

What do you believe?

But remember, not all ideas are created equal.

Agreeing with people is boring.

Opinions that are new, that disagree with conventional wisdom, or that are willing to be bold (predictions, trends).

Make a list of all the things you think about things.

Write down as many things as you can (don’t worry, you can always add or remove things from it).

For Example, Some Things That Have Been On Our List:

“The Future Of Content Marketing is Short And Snackable”

“Even Small Companies Can Look Good On Social Media With a Little Effort”

“Why Content is the New Ad”

“Curation Increases The Surface Area Of Your Brand”

2Create: Pick An Idea And

Expand On It

We’re not going to lie to you: this is the hard part.

You’re going to need to take your idea from a sentence to a fully articulated point of view.

And give it a home that you can point your fans to again and again.

It could take a lot of different formats, but you’ll need to give yourself space to fully articulate your idea:

A Blog Post

A Slideshow

An Infographic

Use a simple structure to make it easy on yourself (and your readers).

Lists and bulletpoints are your friend; easy to write and easy to read.

Don’t overthink it: clearly stated ideas with great examples and images are your goal.

We like to start with a blog post.

3Promote!Get Thee To Social


Once your post/ slideshow/ infographic is live, it’s time to start telling the world about it.

That means Tweeting, posting to Facebook, posting to LinkedIn, posting to Google Plus.

And encouraging your colleagues to do the same.

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And, of course, don’t be shy about sharing the same content more than once with different messages and headlines attached.

Don’t be shy on social!

4Go Cross-Platform

Once you’ve locked down one format and promoted it, it’s time to transform your content into other formats.

That is, make your blog post a SlideShow.

If you’ve followed our advice and built your post as a list or set of bullets, making the transformation should be easy.

Voila! Your blog post is a slideshow.

5Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!

Everything you did the first time around? Do it again. And then some.

Take it to social media and tell your team to do the same.

Like this and this and this:

The best part about repeating is that you don’t have to stop now.

The content you’ve created is now part of your library.

And you can resurface that content and share it again and again whenever it’s relevant.

If you play it right, your weekly investment in original content will yield compound interest.

Every week you add to your library, and every week your set of available resources (and opportunities to share) increases.

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How will you keep track of all the original content that you’ve created?

And determine when it’s good to share content from your archives?

Don’t worry:

Rallyverse can help .

Thank You
