Food grade grease


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The Importance Of Food Grade Lubricants - Food Grade Grease


By Jack Nios -

When it comes to industrial lubrication, it can often be the difference between premature machinery

failure and an effective operating machine. In the world of industrial lubrication not all lubricants are

created equal, Food Grade Grease Automotive bearing lubricants and industrial application lubricants

vary. One of the most important and unique variations of lubrications comes in the form of food safe


When packaging or handling food the potential of grease and oil leaks would cause a concern if

traditional lubricants were used. With food grade lubricants, over lubrication, a spill during maintenance

or a leak will not compromise the food or beverage product. Food, beverage and pharmaceutical

companies should continually implement the highest quality non toxic food grade lubricants to ensure

the safety of their products for consumers.

Challenges constantly face lubricant marketers, equipment designers and lubricant formulation

engineers as they strive to keep consumers safe in case of an accidental contamination. Lubricants used

in the food processing industry have strict requirements and performance expectations that are

understandably stricter than your normal industrial lubricants. There are currently three categories of

food grade lubricants, these categories are broken down into H1, H2 and H3 lubricants.

These food grade designations categories were originally created by the United States Department of

Agriculture. The H1 category of food lubricants focuses on food-processing environments where an

incidental food contamination is possible. The H2 category focuses on food grade lubricants that are

used specifically on equipment and machine related parts in areas where the possibility of contact is

limited. The final category is the H3 category which is associated with food grade lubricants that are

edible oils. These oils are used to prevent corrosion on trolleys, hooks and similar equipment.

If you still are not convinced of the importance of food safe lubricants here are some stories of how

neglecting to use the proper lubricants can come back to hurt you. In 1998 Smithfield Foods recalled

490,000 pounds of smoked boneless hams due to contamination. The food was contaminated by non

food grade gear lube and was reported when customers started reporting a foul taste and a burning in

the throat from eating the contaminated ham. Another case occurred in 2000 when 86,000 pounds of

deli meats were recalled due to non food grade lubrication contamination. These consumers reported

an odd odor and flavor in the meat. A few people also said they experienced temporary intestinal

problems. After citing these accidents you can see the importance of using food safe lubricants to

protect your products and company image.

Hank moon actively researches and writes about industrial technology and its history of innovation

throughout history. Most recently he has written about industrial automation as well as the importance

of industrial lubrication products like kluber lubricants and other vital products.

So… What’s Next ?

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