From Baby Boomers to Generation Z: Interactivity in Light of Generations



From Norwegian Audience Development's yearly conference 2014

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Sosial forandring ergenerasjonelt betinget

Henrik Ibsen’s

“A Doll’s House” (1879)

Millennials1983 – ca 2000


Generation ZCa 2000 - ?


Generations as cyclical history

Defining events: Economic growth, Vietnam war, Cold War, Television

The first ”modern” children, adolescents and adults. Holds the current definition power in Western societies. Will never grow old.

Introduced a new cultural, social and moral paradigm

Idealistic and spiritual

Good concentration skills, less good at multitasking

Image: Steve jobs

Image: Matt Groening, Life in Hell series

Defining events: Adults counter culture, MTV, Glasnost

The latchkey kids who became helicopter parents. Grown up in theshadow of the counter cultural movement and the Boomers. Broughtsatire from the stand-up stage to the news room. The pragmatic’sreaction to the idealist.

Unengaged or misunderstood?

Modern jesters

Skeptical, realistic (pessimistic?)

Self driven, pragmatic and freedom seeking Picture: Sergei Brin & Larry Page

Millennials 1982-2003

Defining events: Internet, September 11th, SoMe, Selfies

Image: G+, Heather Niesen

Millennials 1982-2003

Less trust in institution and experts, more trust in informal networks


Ambitious, ”Can-do” mentality

Networked, participatory, co-creative

Cynical to commercials, but receptive to cause marketing

Children of doting helicopter parents. Great optimism and strong ego. More collectivist, but also more narcissistic.

Image: Mark Zuckerberg

Defining events: Touch screen, SoMe, Big Data, ?

Image: Joe Dator

Overprotected, but included

Digital natives (52% use YouTube for school work)

Multitasking, multimedia

8 seconds’ attention span

Communicate in pictures

Avatars and plural identities. Who am I?

I google+ Google knows me= I exist

Googlito Ergo Sum

“This generation loves to be in control of their own arts spaces. They like to find ways to connect, create, and share their art.”

~ Shoshana FanizzaAudience Development Specialists

mirror mirror, facebook wall…

Back to an audience?

Pictures: V&A, Dallas News

Power, Networks and Games,

oh my!

• Horisontal power structures Less faith in nice titles and authorities’Fauxperts’ & ’hackademics’

• Self-actualization64% of GenZ want a job where they can change the world, lifehacksIndividual customization, e.g. NikeID, Coca-Cola med personal name

• Reputation marketingproduct reviews, SoMe, digital word of mouth

• Gamificationin education, job training, marketing

• Open innovationInnovation competitions, X-Prize, Innocentive

Good Judgement Project: crowdsourced amateur experts beat the CIA

• The sharing economyUnemployment, DIY-mentality, from consumers to ”prosumers”

• Interactive platforms The Internet of Things (IoT)First human –machine– human, then machine - machine

”Generation Participation”








2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Image: Impact Online Marketing

The world’s digital data in zettabytes


of 2 year olds have digital footprints

“The Problem of Generations”, Karl Mannheim’s Essays, Karl Mannheim, Routledge, 1923

Generations, William Strauss & Neil Howe, Harper Collins, 1991

The Fourth Turning, William Strauss & Neil Howe, Broadway Books, 1997

Millennials Rising, William Strauss & Neil Howe, Random House Inc., 2000

Zero Marginal Cost Society, Jeremy Rifkin, Palgrave McMillan, 2014

The Second Machine Age, Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee, W. W. Norton & Co, 2013

The Circle, Dave Eggers, Thorndike Press, 2013

Alone Together, Sherry Turkle, Basic Books 2011

It’s Copmlicated, danah boyd, Yale University Press, 2014
