General Marketing Plan and Services - Offered by



We provide excellent marketing solutions for everyone! Whether you are an affiliate, launching a product, a doctor, a singer, or you just want more exposure, we can help you get the exposure and traffic you need. We will make sure you are making the most out of your visitors!

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Marketing and Business Development Plan

P.O. BOX 02-5640 NICABOX 6020 MIAMI, FL 33102-5640

Phone: +813-579-2561 Skype: chrisabdey


Plan Overview


We want to create and customize a professional plan to help gain leads, and increase sales.

We will create a perfect plan to help optimize current traffic, and ensure there is no lost opportunity

from visitors to any client site.


By utilizing various methods, we will optimize and leverage current and future advertising

techniques to help reduce lead leakage, and improve overall ROI.

Keys to Success

There 4 are main keys to success:

Diversification – By only utilizing one source for traffic, you are minimizing your chances

of gaining exposure and landing more leads. You need to have a good mix of paid and free

traffic sources in order to really succeed online. You need social, contextual, e-mail, banner

and paid traffic in any solid portfolio.

Leverage – You need to ensure that all your advertising, articles, social posts, pictures,

videos, and any other medium you have are properly linked together. You want to feed into

all your sources of potential traffic, and ensure that they are properly benefitting from one


Retargeting- It is a well-known fact that the vast majority of people don’t buy into

something the first time they see it. In general terms a person needs to see something four to

five times before deciding on a purchase. With a good retargeting campaign, you are

ensuring that all those people that have gone to your website, will be followed around the

internet, until they finally convert.

Remarketing- Remarketing is not the same thing as retargeting. Retargeting is set to get you

more leads into your sales funnel. Remarketing is marketing to your list once they have


already converted into a lead. You will continue to hammer at them until they become a

customer, or you will hammer past customers into purchasing an additional service/product.

Marketing (Split Testing)

We all know that marketing (whether generated from paid or free sources) is a huge part of your

business. However, most people don’t realize that in order to effectively market any product or

service, you need to do split testing.

Split Testing Setup Example:

In the above example we see that when a visitor first lands at your site from either a paid click, or

some other free traffic source, they are funneled to one of 6 landing pages. Now, this is not to say

that all 6 of those landing pages are unique. No, in fact there are only 3 landing pages and 2 versions

of each one. Why do we do this? Because we need to know we are getting the absolute best possible

results. While you don’t need to make 3 different landing pages for any given product or campaign.

It is still a good idea.


Split Testing With Ads

Equally important is split testing with ads and keywords. You will want to run at least 3 different

variations of any given ad (on any platform) and run it for at least a month to see which one

converts the absolute best. You would be surprised that even a single exclamation mark or added

period can make all the difference in a campaign.

Example: Your keyword is “cool cars”

Your initial ad is:

Come buy cool cars from the best guys in town! We have the absolute best prices anywhere!

You will then want at least two variations on this ad.

Variation one:

Come buy COOL cars from the BEST guys in town! We have the ABSOLUTE BEST prices


Variation two:

Come on down and get the coolest cars, from the best guys in town. Not only honest, but the

lowest prices anywhere.

The reason for split testing, is while the first ad looks good, and the second looks better, the one

that converted the most was actually the second variation. We would never have known that unless

we had split tested. Instead of a 2% opt-in rate, there was a 6% opt-in rate.

Marketing (Sales Funnel)

Just as important as split testing in your marketing, you need to have a proper sales funnel set up.

You want to make sure you are getting the most out of your traffic and leads, and for that reason,

it’s very important to ensure you have a proper sales funnel set up. (This includes e-mail follow ups,

OTOs, Free Gifts, and exit offers)


Example Sales Funnel

This is an example sales funnel for an affiliate product. It is also based upon PPV/CPV traffic,

which is very cheap. The same principal applies to any product or service. As long as proper follow

up is given, there is an upsell of some kind, or perhaps even a coupon, then we can increase overall

conversions and lead collection.

Things That MUST be included in every sales funnel:

These are the things that EVERY sales funnel needs to be successful:

Landing Pages – While you can send prospects directly to your main site, it is always a

good idea to send them to a lead capture page first. If you do not wish to use landing pages,

you should at the very least implement a retargeting campaign to catch those visitors and

keep advertising to them.

Lead Capture and E-Mail Follow Up Solution – This is absolutely crucial in any

marketing campaign. Almost everyone has a way to capture leads, but not very many people

implement a follow up system which is effective. This is because you can’t directly send only

sales follow ups in order to try and cram in as many sales as possible. You really want to give

your potential clients value, so they see you as an authority, and not just some average

“salesy” person who is trying to make a quick buck.

Retargeting Campaign – Retargeting isn’t really a new idea, but there are many people

who are missing out on this extremely valuable portion to their marketing strategy.

Retargeting is basically tracking everyone who has come to your website (and not converted


to a lead or a customer) and then follows them around the web with banner ads to get them

to go back to your site. Retargeted visitors are often cheaper than flat out purchased visitors

as they don’t take as long to convert.

Exit Page Offers – There is a toss up when it comes to exit page offers. There’s one school

of thought where they don’t really do much, and another school that says you’ll convert 30%

more if you DO have them. The truth of the matter is, this depends greatly on your product

or service, and also it depends on if you have some sort of free gift to give your visitors.

One Time Offers – One time offers which create urgency have shown to convert anywhere

from 8% to 23% of clients who are engaged in them. While these don’t work in every single

circumstance, most products and services benefit from them.

Upsell/Downsell – Upselling your potential clients is obviously something every business

should be doing. Every major corporation does it, so why shouldn’t you? The phone

companies sell you larger weekend plans, TV providers offer movies, hosting companies

offer you e-mail and search engine submittals, even McDonald’s offers to “Biggie Size” it.

It’s a very effective tool, and you should be using it every chance you get! Downselling, is a

relatively new idea in advertising, and many affiliate programs offer it. It’s where your

potential buyers go to your site, and for whatever reason, they don’t buy or convert to a lead.

A pop-up appears and offers $X or X% discount “just for them”. This has shown to be

somewhat popular as people love getting a deal. A more risky and reckless approach has

been to overprice your product or service on purpose, specifically to “downsell” your

potential clients.

Marketing (Articles)

Own Blog

Obviously, anyone who is serious about “making it big” and becoming an authority has their own

blog. Articles are written, placed on the blog, and then syndicated off to the various social networks

(twitter, and Facebook among some) It is important to note that any articles that go on your own

blog, should NOT be copied over to other places on the web such as article directories or other

blogs. This actually hurts your rankings, and can cause damage to your campaign.

Article Directories

Article directories are good for a couple of things. Mainly they are good to get some traffic, and also

to build what is known in the industry as “link juice”. Now, one major mistake that many marketers

make is that they submit the same article to dozens, hundreds, even thousands of directories, and it’s

the same article they have on their own blog. This is a major “no no” and should never be done.

While you can syndicate an article to thousands of directories, it can hurt search rankings on your

main site, and should never be done.



How to articles and informational articles are king at this site, and if you can manage to get a few in

there, you are good for getting some much needed ranking to your site. You won’t get much traffic

usually, but the rank helps make up for it.


Apsense is a business network for entrepreneurs and business owners to share articles and make a

few cents here and there. Mainly a bunch of useless stuff, but it helps to distribute your articles, and

they wind up being syndicated on a bunch of other sites, which is the end goal.


Syndication is where we take your article and we syndicate it out to a variety of blogs and sites which

are screaming for content. We use the simple 35% rule (only 35% of your article is copied) and then

the user needs to go to the main blog in order to read the rest. This is an excellent way to gain traffic

and ranking over time.

Guest Posts

Guest Posts on blogs are super popular, as it’s a way to get traffic and also increase back links and

rank to your site. Now, guest posts can be a bit costly (anywhere from $50 to over $500) but they are

generally well worth the investment to get your name and brand out there. Again, any article that

you write and have put on a blog as a guest post should NOT be syndicated, sent to article

directories, or posted to your own blog, or it will defeat the purpose.

Marketing (Social)


Facebook is becoming really popular as a marketing tool, but many people either over utilize it, or

under utilize it. There is a fine balance between the two. The first order of business you need to be

aware of, is that you never want to purchase “likes”, or “shares” as you never know what you are

getting. The main thing is to have a Facebook page set up, and to keep it updated regularly. There

are also some tools such as FaceBook Infiltrator which can be used to help increase conversions

directly from your Facebook timeline. Everything from Polls, to Social Coupons, to Quizzes and

Games can all be utilized to increase your bottom line.

We could implement some Facebook ads on a trial basis.


While twitter is limited in its capacity (140 characters only), it is still very useful for getting news out

about current promotions, new articles, and anything else you may want to update your subscribers


on. A lot of people make the mistake of trying to gain twitter followers by purchasing them, or

“exchanging” them. This simply does not work, and is a waste of time, money and other resources.

You need to develop a twitter following 100% organically in order for it to be worth anything.


As we all have heard, “a picture is worth 1000 words”. This is especially true when it comes to

internet marketing. If we properly tag pictures and brochures to your brand, and then

share/syndicate them everywhere possible, we will generate some decent traffic to your product.

The thing about Pinterest is to remember to use the ALT tags properly, as these are essentially other

keywords, and rank very high when it comes to people doing searches.


Where a picture is worth 1000 words, a video is worth 3 times that (at least in terms of weight it

carries on the internet). By creating videos and syndicating them, you are developing brand

awareness, and a lot of times videos are the first things that pop up in Google searches. The thing to

remember about buying youtube views: While it may make your video look popular, it has absolutely

no bearing whatsoever on how your video draws in traffic. Many people also miss the aspect of

linking their video back to their website/landing page, which is a big mistake because click-through

traffic from videos is on the rise.


Slideshare is often ignored, however, it is an excellent source for links and traffic. (When configured

properly). Many people do not take the time to properly tag and submit their presentations, and that

lessens the impact they have. If you take the time to properly optimize your presentations, have a

good call to action, and tag properly, there is no reason you can’t see some instant results. They

won’t be stellar, but every little bit helps with the campaign.


About.Me is a free page you can get to raise your brand awareness. It has a WYSIWYG editor and

doesn’t take long to set up at all. The more online presence you or your business have, the better in

the eyes of your potential clients. Who would you rather purchase from? The company who has a

Facebook page, but nothing else, or the company that has various sources for reviews and

information about them? It literally takes little time to set up, and you will be glad you did.


LinkedIn is often pushed to the sideline when it comes to businesses, as their “corporate” page

feature isn’t really intuitive to get to. However, LinkedIn ranks incredibly high in search engines, and

you will gain a lot of visibility by maintaining a proper business page. It also doubles for article


sharing and syndication (news, updates, and anything else you want to share) Much like a Facebook

page, you will want to keep this updated at least once a week.


Re.Vu is a site very similar to About.Me. This just adds another layer of credibility and visibility to

your brand and product. It’s like that old adage; “say something once it’s hearsay, say something

twice it’s opinion, by the time you get to three it’s a fact”. So, all the little bits that you have add into

you building an authority image.


Yelp is one of the best review sites out there. It can quickly make you number one on the map. The

great thing about Yelp is the Yelp Deals. Yelp allows you to sell coupons or deals to people, so you

make a little money, and they get a deal and head into your business. (Make sure you mark up your

pricing to accommodate before doing so) You can choose to offer a discount, or offer $X for $X

(example: Buy $500 for $400) The inconvenient thing about Yelp is they don’t allow for a way to

split test different offers.


Vimeo is a video site similar to Youtube. Not as frequently traveled, however, Vimeo has the

reputation of having more “legitimate” videos on it. So, it’s always a good thing to have your own

channel on Vimeo as well. Vimeo is also better for embedding into your own websites as it is slightly

more code friendly than Youtube. (under heavy traffic youtube tends to cause some issues on some


Forum Posting

A lot of people think that forum posting means directly posting your advertisement for your product

or service inside a post. This is not the case. Forum posting (the EFFECTIVE kind) involves

developing an authority forum account and leaving your product or service in the signature. This is

much more effective, and will be longer lasting than any direct advertisements you may post. You

can also take the route of asking a simple question about the product or service and drive traffic that

way. The trick is of course using an aged forum account, and developing a presence on the forum,

otherwise people will wise up to the trick and at best you will be ignored, at worst you will be

banned from the forum.

Blog Commenting

More often than not people mistake blog commenting as visiting a similar blog and directly posting

your advertising copy, or a “shoutout” of your product or service. This simply is not effective, and

can actually wind up hurting your business in the long run. It will also hurt your business to just go

around and post “nice article” and leave your link. Blog commenting done right needs to be


thoughtful, insightful, and above all else, ENGAGING. If you can make engaging blog comments

(the kind other people comment on) then you will be rolling in the traffic in no time. This is not

always an easy task and does require research, and of course properly targeting blogs and leaving the

right comments.

Social Marketing is crucial to every business, however it is MORE crucial that it be done correctly.


E-Mail Marketing

Once we have generated our leads we certainly want to make sure that we have a proper follow up

system in place. Sure, it’s nice to e-mail all leads personally (which one should be doing anyway), it is

better to let them know that their information was received and someone will be with them shortly,

or they get the information they need right away. Statistics show that if you can contact a lead within

15 minutes of it coming in, your close rates are that much higher, because the potential client feels

like they are being taken care of. Now, couple this with a phone call a little while after, and you are

in the “wow” category.

There are a variety of e-mail handlers out there: Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, and more. My

choice I generally recommend is MailChimp for a few reasons: It’s easy to use and customize, you

can run split test campaigns easily, its reporting functions are some of the best out there, and it’s

scalable to your business more readily than other solutions.

The standard ratio is 1:3 for follow up and marketing e-mails. You send 1 marketing mail for every 3

mails that are sent out with information/updates. You can also try and sneak one or two into the

mix, but best conversion is always on 1:3.


Keyword Analysis (Adwords)

Preliminary Keyword analysis is always very important, as it can make or break any paid campaign.

In the above example this would equate to 200 visitors a day that have an interest in the client

product or service, and from there the sales funnel would take over once they got to the site.

While the above example uses Adwords, the same principals can also be applied to any Pay-Per-

Click advertising platform (Facebook Ads, Bing, etc)

It is incredibly important that you not only use the correct keywords, but that they are 100%

relevant to your product or service.


Over View of Costs

Items and Expenses – (Not all items will be needed depending on the plan)

**Bulk Pricing not Shown**


(Ongoing) $16.67 USD / Hour (can be

stipulated to fixed weekly price)

Set up of Wordpress and


$60 USD (1)

$80 USD (4)

$150 USD (10)

Wordpress Site Creation $300 (basic)

$500 (intermediate)

$800 (advanced)

Landing Pages $125 USD (1)

$200 USD (2)

$500 USD (6)

Landing Page Variations $30 USD / Each

Social Media Management $16.67 USD / Hour (can be stipulated to fixed weekly price)

Original Articles (Native Speakers) $0.05 per word

Graphics (Banners, Logos, Ads) $60 Each

Whiteboard Animation Basic - $20 – Advanced -Varies

Paid Search Management $16.67 / Hour (can be stipulated to fixed weekly price)

E-mail Marketing Set Up $60

E-mail Campaigns Set up (mails) $7 per mail (templated)

Presentation Creation $50 / Each

Ad funnel Set Up * (for retargeting) $16.67/Hour ($200 MAX)

Marketing Planning (implementation) $16.67 USD / Hour

Banner Creation For Paid Search

Campaigns (total of 8 banners)

$300 USD

Wordpress and Blog Management $20 USD monthly

Wordpress Mini-Site Creation –

comprised of “home”, about,

contact, blog – implementation of

social plugins

$50 USD (1)

$95 USD (2)

$250 USD (3)

Professional Wordpress Theme


$70 USD

Wordpress Changes $10 USD (simple)

$30 USD (moderate)

$50 USD (complex)
