How to 10x your results from content with the same resources you have now


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How to 10x your results from content with the same

resources you have now

Mikael Cho, Founder of Crew @mikaelcho

50,000+ monthly readers 100,000+ email subscribers

In 6 months:

50,000+ monthly readers 100,000+ email subscribers

Me 1 writer

1 designer/developer (sort of)

In 6 months:


The best marketing is when you don’t know it’s marketing.

Practically useful articles are shared the most.

NY Times Study

“Create marketing so useful people would pay

for it.”

- Jay Baer, Author NY Times Bestseller, Youtility

50,000+ monthly readers #3 referral source to Crew

Crew Blog

50,000+ monthly readers #3 referral source to Crew

Crew Blog

1 post per week for 20 weeks


Is writing repeatable and scalable?

Is writing repeatable and scalable?

1 post a week for 20 weeks. Over 2 million views.

Crew growth over this time

30% month over month

1. Practically useful 2. Relevance scale

3. Evergreen content


Article has: - personal experience

- unique elements of science - unique examples - unique takeaways

1. Practically useful

Practically useful

2. Relevance

Via: Moz

Topics indirectly related but have potential for broad reach.

Leads to exposure from major media outlets.

What you make will be just as useful 5 years from now as it is today.

3. Evergreen content

The gift that keeps giving

!Coffee vs. Beer: Which drink makes you more creative?!


Day 1: #1 Hacker News Day 1: #1 Day 7: Frontpage Digg

Day 30: syndicated to LifeHacker Day 120: Frontpage Digg

Day 180: syndicated: The Next Web

The gift that keeps giving

1. Publish on your blog 2. Key influencers directly related to topic (people mentioned in the post) 3. Email subscribers 4. Distribution publishing (medium, twitter, facebook, linkedin) 5. Syndication (you must produce excellence to get this consistently)

How to get distribution when you have no distribution

If you have less than 50k monthly visitors, focus on reach not optimization.


Blog takes months to build an audience. !

How can you go further?

Accelerate reach with free tools

Metrics: 100 million photos viewed a month

#1 referral source to Crew


Metrics: 1 million visitors

#2 referral source to Crew 25% of projects

How Much To Make An App

3 of the top 5 referring sites to Crew 100,000+ email subscribers

40% of revenue

Overall results from free tools:

Repeat utility

Repeat utility

Winning Search


“People trust us not because of our authority in the space, but because they relate with the vulnerability.”

!- Alex Turnbull, CEO Groove

ROI of being human

Lifetime Value of a customer from our content is 2.5x the Lifetime Value of a customer from paid channels.

To make a substantial impact in how your company is growing, you must create extreme value.

That’s it.

Mikael Cho, Founder of Crew @mikaelcho
