How to create a Social Media Culture within your Organisation



How you can be creating a social media culture within your organisation.

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Public and in-house Training Courses - for any size business with a web presence- Leveraging all areas of Social Media and Social Platforms; Online Advertising; Google Analytics.

Creating a social media culture within your organisation

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

• What makes a ‘social businesses’.

• Creating the right culture within an organisation.

• Empowering different departments to work together.

• Learning to listen on social.

• Using your workforce to supply a steady stream of content.

• Having an overarching strategy for social.

What we’ll cover today…

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

Facebook and Twitter accounts do not a social media strategy make!

It goes far deeper than that and is more about management and structural change within organisations.

It also involves internal dialogue, change management and strategic direction.

Many companies are simply not ready though to make the necessary changes.

Being a social business is not just about setting up social media accounts

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

There are a multitude of obstacles to social media. Having a culture of secrecy is one of them.

We now in a much more open society where transparency is deemed the norm and that also goes for organisations.

This culture should go from the bottom to the very top of companies. Check out the great book by Olivier Blanchard, Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization, to see how this can

be achieved.

In essence, good social media starts within.


#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

Promoting internal dialogue

•It is imperative that different departments liaise with one another

•Social media affects not only marketing but also sales, corporate governance, public relations, supply chain management, internal communications, IT, recruitment, HR and customer services

•So all these departments need to be talking regularly

•Encourage weekly team meetings

•The better the dialogue between the different parts of your organisation, the smoother it will run. A culture of openness will therefore be fostered

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

Business Objectives

Plan EngageAnalyseListen

Who will manage or

channels and when

What’s being said about you or your competitors

What will your response be

Have well prepared lines to


ALL social media activity is about delivering on your...

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

Most brands still use social media channels as yet another way to spam people with marketing messages.

But it is more about listening to what is going on around you, what your customers are saying, what your competitors are doing and what trends are emerging.

Those brands that listen properly on social using dashboards and alerts like or more sophisticated monitoring, will perform better than those who don’t.

You can benefit from better market intelligence, customer feedback, competitor analysis and brand awareness.

Learning to listen on social

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

• Think of yourself as an editor

• Editors have sub editors to lay out the copy, news editors to gather in the stories and reporters to write the stories

• The more members of staff who can act as ‘reporters’ and come up with content for your social media sites, the better

• But they need to understand the need for this content – hence the need for the right culture

• Even think about incentivising employees for great content ideas

Use your workforce to generate content

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

• Make sure you have proper social media guidelines set out for your staff, including what they can or can’t do on personal accounts

• Encourage internal forums and use of internal social networking platforms like Yammer to encourage communication between employees and departments

• Take a long hard look at your organisation and work out whether you are ready to be a social business yet

• If not, think about where the barriers are and try to remove them

Have an all encompassing social media strategy for your company

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

Wrap Up

• Find out whether your business is truly ‘social’

• Encourage a culture of openness

• This includes staff and different departments

• Learn to listen

• Empower your staff to be social media ‘reporters’

• Make sure you have a comprehensive strategy for social

#mymoTraining – Social media hints & tips

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Media news and course information @mymoTraining
