How to integrate Social Media into The Marketing Mix


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Practical guide to localising your brand

@Olgandrienko #BrightonSEO

Social proof: Embedded Twitter feed. Site:

Social proof: Friends that already liked the page on Facebook

Amplify content sharing: Use Highlighter & Click2tweet

Boost sales with Facebook Shop section on pages. Company: Dressific

Answer clients’ questions on social via SproutSocialCompany: SEMrush

Answer FAQ with the Facebook messenger botsCompany: Don’t Panic Events for SAScon

Customer support on Facebook – your time to shineCompany: Skyscanner

Customer support on Twitter (Russian) Company: Rutaxi

Proactive Hilton support – discovering Qs on relevant marketsCompany: Hilton hotels

Encourage your audience to spread the word for you!

How to win social media exposure at the event: Designs with quotes

1. Follow the hashtag on social media/ listen to interviews - track any type of activity from the conference OR ask for quotes if you’re there

2. Create a design (in, or other)

3. Share on social media and tag all speakers in the post + the conference

Turn your SlideShare decks into a lead generating tool

Oreo Daily Twist Durex #CondomEmoji
