How to Recover From a Google Penalty?



Search engine traffic is extremely important for any online company to attract customers to their business. In order to succeed in this, you need to achieve high rankings on Google. Achieving high rankings on Google is becoming difficult with each passing day.

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How to Recover From a Google Penalty?

Search engine traffic is extremely important for any online company to attract customers to their business. In order to succeed in this, you need to achieve high rankings on Google. Achieving high rankings on Google is becoming difficult with each passing day.

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Matt Cutts of Google recently stated that Google had initiated over 400,000 manual actions on a monthly basis to weed out low quality websites from their system. There are also algorithm updates such as Panda and Penguin that are checking the link quality and content quality of websites on a regular basis.

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There are only about 20,000 webmasters submitting reconsideration requests to Google, which is only about 5% of the total websites that has been penalized by Google. If you have been penalized by Google, you should read this article to recover your website from the Google penalty.

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If your site drops in rankings suddenly, it could be due to a Google penalty. There are only two ways that Google can penalize a website. One is by manual action while the other is via their algorithm.

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You can check whether your site has been penalized by manual action when you visit Google's Webmaster Tools. There should be a warning message there if your site was penalized by manual action.

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In order to recover from the Google penalty, a webmaster will have to spend some time to analyze his or her website's backlinks and find out which ones that caused the rankings to drop. Once you find these links, you can delete them or disavow the ones that you cannot delete.

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Low quality backlinks are usually bad for any website. You can find all your backlinks by going to Google Webmaster Tools. In the left menu of the tool, click on "Search Traffic" and select "Links to Your Site". You can access all your backlinks from the module "Who Links the Most".More info on:

The whole process is time consuming and easy said than done. The best results could be achieved by hiring a Google penalty recover service to perform this operation on behalf of you. This way, you will be able to save time and money in the long run.

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