Infographics for Fun and Profit DreamForce 2014



Content marketing is more than just infographics. Learn how to repurpose, promote and create interactive content.

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Chris BennettCEO/Founder @chrisbennett

first off

This is a promo silver bulletinfographics are not

in fact

This is a promo silver bulletnothing in marketing is

every website is unique

each deserving a UNIQUE strategy

Not one off’sCampaigns.

notice I said STRATEGY

cause lets face it

the c-suite doesn’t care how many infographics publish a month

they want one thing

more business

Treat your content marketing like a movie release

Be Everywhere

Start with repurposing

it doesn’t matter what you start with

you can turn it into anything

An article

into a deck for slideshare

Design promo elements during creation

SlideShare tweet this button

“Show as List” Direct Link to Blog Post

Create a Native Version of Your Video for Every Outlet

Pitch your story to sites that are often used by Bigger Sites as sources for content.

H/T @rugger486

Because these guy’s are always on the search for content

And this dude trust’s the little guys as a reputable source

Big Data is awesome

it’s changing the world

but attracting customers to your Hadoop Cluster

is harder than writing about the “Internet of Things” or “Wearable Tech”

so we set out to make a multi part campaign around influencers

by listing the experts Qubole became expert

influencers loved that they were listed

so the next month we appealed to that love and asked them for tips

we turned those tips into a month long blog series

and the influencers shared again

then at the end of the month compiled them all into a slideshare

and again

FaceBook Graph Search

H/T @purnavirji

Run ads targeting those writers/contributors a week or two before pitching to be Top of Mind.

ask for intro from your friends

Use the Right Hash Tags

spy on your influencers

Topsy - Every tweet from your influencers

we used a couple of techniques to ensure promo success

Include other People/Products in your content

leveraged social success

Take your content to the next level

With Interactive Marketing Apps

The Student Loan Industry is insanely competitive

big budgets

big ROI

we needed to set ourselves apart

We took college and put an ROI angle on it

so high school students could make an educated decision

comparing the different degrees they are on the fence about

this could of been an in-depth article or white paper


instead we made a tool that simplifies a difficult process

and it 10X’d all traffic, engagement, time on site etc…

very mobile friendly as well

Another great example

Interactive content makes boring things awesome

take taxes for example

would you read a blog post about the tax code?

gotta make it a slideshare

interactives make it easier to get away with calls to action

Chris Bennett

CEO/Founder - 97th Floor
