It’s the end of the World as we know it for marketing in Brazil


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It’s the end of the World as we know it for marketing in Brazil


Michel LentFounder, CPO


Facts check

Brazil at a glance

123 million Internet users

91 million on Facebook

Over 240 million active mobile lines


The scattered audience

on huge, global platforms

Talking to a lot of people became cheaper and more accurate

Traditional media has become less effective losing a lot of audience

New ways of consuming information rise

Saturated attention

Everything fighting for the 24 hours of the day

Content available in any screen, anywhere

The connected consumer: well-informed;full of demands; strong opinionated

Conjunctural changes

Impeachment, recession, instability

International uncertainty

Unemployment rise in Brazil

Less buying power

Impact of change over media companies

Traditional TV shows losing commercial appeal

Fighting for viewershing not only with other TV stations

But also with independentent producers

and all other sorts of streaming content services

All media loosing as a whole the dispute with Internet

Less viewership, less revenue

Having a direct and profound impact on staff and the size of the traditional media companies.

The impact on marketing and advertising

Retail and other industries with less revenue making smaller budgets

As traditional media looses effectiveness, new models are necessary

Weaker effectiveness, less sales, smaller budgets, fewer agencies

Strong demand for new solutions, new formats, cheaper

Individuals more effective than corporations

To understand and use Digital, becomes mandatory

The new advertisers

The era of no-advertising brands

Growth-hacking mentality

New generation of born-digitals taking charge in corporations

The new marketing logic


The newagency model

Media commission-based model no longer works

Less money, smaller structures

As focus shifts from creative to ROI, business models demand changes

The clash of Consulting and Advertising companies

Traditional agencies, all on hands of international groups face mergers and downsizing.

Ground zero


As everything we knew faces


You have no choice but to jump without knowing where you will land

So, while in the air, seize the opportunities

The end of a cycle is a new beginning

As we all start again, at the same time

We're all at the same point, leveled

How many resets will you life bring you?

thanks ;)

