Modere Canada


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Modere canada is looking for men and women who not only want to live a healthier lifestyle but would like to also earn extra income. People here in America are no different then my brothers and sisters in Canada. We all want to look and feel better, have more leverage of our time and more money.

The modere canada business opportunity provides Canadians an opportunity share use healthy modere products and get paid at the same time. The average Canadian college student is departing school with $25,000 in student loan debt. It is even higher here in the united States of America at $37,000.

The highest student debt goes to England where the average college graduate is finishing school with $59,110. Student loan debt recently surpassed credit card debt and now sits at just over $1.3 trillion dollars. How can so many college educated men and women in canada and elsewhere be struggling financially?


We all have been taught here in America much like in Canada to go to school, get good grades and get a job. There is nothing wrong with being taught to work hard toward goals.I hold two college degrees so have always valued education.

What I am not for is helping people to remain poor. What good is having a college degree when you owe 5 to 6 figures in student debt and have to spend all your time at a job working to pay off the debt.No time to enjoy yourself and no money left over after the bills have been paid for. How many people in Canada are living paycheck to paycheck?

63% of those aged 18 to 29 according to CBCNews. 76 million Americans are struggling financially and America is supposedly the richest country in the world. Our countries statistics are very similar.

moderemlm.comStart working smart instead of following the herd mentality of working hard.

We all understand what working hard means and there are countless Canadians, Americans and other nationalities who are working hard only to give up their checks to corrupt banks.

According tor OttawaSun, 24% of Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck. Here in America, it is even worse with 76% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck.

The reason I am writing this modere canada opportunity is that this is a people helping people business. It is a way for ordinary people to create extraordinary incomes by way of the success principle of duplication.

If you work a job, even if it is a job you love, you have reserved yourself to only what you do. Someone else dictates how much you are paid if you are working an hourly or salaried job.

The beauty of the modere canada opportunity is that you don’t have to quit the job you love and can supplement your income.

Linear vs. Residual IncomeThe beauty of the modere canada opportunity is that you don’t have to quit the job you love and can supplement your income.

Use healthy products void of harmful chemicals and GMO’s and get paid for it? Where do I sign? It was an easy decision for me and perhaps you will be the same. There are a lot of people like me who love their job but also realize there is no way to become free working a regular job.

A job means your pay is tied to your time. You are working for linear income. You can love or hate what you do for a living but the facts remain. If you or someone you love or care about can’t work or gets sick what happens to their pay? It stops. What the modere canada opportunity can provide to you, those you care about to complete strangers you share modere products with, is hope.

Residual income is income that continues to come in whether you work or not. How many employees in canada have that as their reality? How many in America or elsewhere?

Why Modere?Modere, formerly known as Neways, is the first company of its kinds to combine both the $5 trillion dollar social retail industry with the $187 billion dollar network marketing industry.

It is focused on helping people to live clean and healthy lives.Modere has one of, if not the top line of nutritional supplements, weight loss, personal and household care products in the world.

It also has the best comp plan in all of direct sales. There has to be a better way to becoming financially independent and our school system here in America, as well as in Canada, is not teaching its students how to go into business for themselves.

If you provide a service you are to be commended but as an employee you are also the highest taxed. Here in America, much like in Canada, the government taxes the income of its population. This is corrupt and robs the productivity of people in both our nations.

Who is teaching us to be free and independent?

No one told me anything about Modere. I sought the company out as I heard how it has already paid out over $3 billion dollars to their independent business owners. Modere, formerly known as Neways, re-branded itself with a new name, product line, compensation plan and look in 2014.

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