SEO Is Still Alive and Kicking



For years, it has been a game of cat and mouse between website owners, and the major search engines. Free traffic is cheap, and internet marketers have used all kinds of tricks in the past to get their site top of the rankings. In recent years though, things have changed.

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SEO Is Still Alive and Kicking

For years, it has been a game of cat and mouse between website owners, and the major search engines. Free traffic is cheap, and internet marketers have used all kinds of tricks in the past to get their site top of the rankings.

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In recent years though, things have changed. Whereas marketers always had the upper hand, the search engines have been fighting back. Not only have spam, and Adsense, sites vanished from most results, many big sites have been hit.

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The last major search engine update was Panda 4.0 from Google. This took out a lot of entry pages with little useful information on them. One of the biggest companies that got hit was eBay, who lost thousands of entry pages.

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In the past, Google's updates have dropped many Q&A, and article sites down the rankings. The good news for the small website owner is that these sites no longer hog the results, and so ranking for some keywords has actually got easier.

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Although strategies of ranking may have changed over the years, strangely, the basics still work well. For instance, on-site optimization should still be done. This means meta tags, such as title and description, should contain the main keyword.

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The keyword should appear between 1-4 times in the article, as well as the title, which should be in H1 tags. Any more than that and the page may get flagged up as being spammy. All links on the site should be working, and there is plenty of software, and plugins, around to check them.

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One of the biggest changes is when it comes to backlinking. Long gone are the day when a site owner could just send thousands of links to a site, and that got them the top ranking. Now the search engines are very clever about how they evaluate the backlinks. More info on:

Of course in the real world, a site owner has no control over who links to them, so Google does not penalize sites for this, even though they may make people think that they do. The best advice is to keep backlinking looking natural, and SEO basic.

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