So, What is Brand Enlightenment?


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SO, WHAT IS BRAND ENLIGHTENMENTand can it apply to b2b?

More and more brands are beginning to appear more

‘human-like’ in their tweets, their Instagram and their Facebook posts,

adding empathy and humour.

In a global survey, 63% of consumers said they only buy products which appeal to their beliefs, values, or ideals.

It’s important for brands to not only be eco-conscious and socially

aware, but take action towards these beliefs too.

Many have tried to create a shortcut to that human-feel for their brand, but really it just makes them appear to have the same virtues as their target customers.

In fact, some have even become a kind of youth culture bandwagon-jumping brand that say culturally relevant things in order to be down with the kids.

But, most of those have just ended up being made fun of…

Top Tip: if don’t know what ‘on fleek’ actually means, you probably shouldn’t use it in a Tweet.

Enlightenment isn’t trying to seem cool enough to make certain

people buy; it’s about empathy, generosity,

responsibility and the countless other virtues humans are capable of.

Try not to just be customer-centric;

be human-centric

This year, E4 suspended service on the day of The General Election

This aimed to encourage viewers to vote.

The Body Shop and Lush are actively against animal testing.

Ben & Jerry’s were involved in the

Occupy Movement.

Audi created an App that connects stranded drivers

with Audi 4x4 drivers who could rescue them.

These are great examples of b2c brands being empathetic, pro-active and demanding.

But what about b2b?

IBM has made billboards that also act as shelter from the rain, as a bench, or even as a disability ramp.

They are inspiring businesses to make useful advertisements that are honestly empathetic toward everyday real-life events, instead of just promoting their own business.

Hubspot consistently connects with their users.

Their site provides useful training for businesses, and even at-the-ready real-life human beings who can help if you get stuck with anything!

Skype connects businesses via video chat for free!It connects to users by centering their marketing around their conversations. They’ve recently been called the most human of tech companies by AdWeek.

Today’s b2b buyer is also a b2c consumer:They also have beliefs, values and ideals;They also have expectations in the purchase and post-purchase journey;

They are also humans!In fact, we reckon we should just scrap B2C/B2B marketing and call it H2H (Human to Human) Communications!

Soon, brands that want to move forward will have to start this journey to ‘enlightenment’ by taking meaningful actions towards improving both individual lives, and the world.

Is your business enlightened?

Let us know of any b2b examples you know of that

qualify as ‘enlightened’!

we’d love to hear about them!

Written by Emily Rose MaloneContent Executive and Copywriter
