Splash's 12 Days of Digital Marketing Tips


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12 Days of Digital Marketing Tips Splash Omnimedia’s

Who needs a bunch of birds, nobles, and musicians, when you can have 12 days’ worth of digital marketing tactics, information, and ideas?

1 Beautiful ly Designed, User-Focused Responsive Website

The foundation of digital marketing is your website, and for today’s businesses, that means having a visually appealing website designed around providing visitors with the best possible user experience. And because of today’s smartphone-enabled world, it should also be a mobile-ready site – and for that, there’s nothing better than a responsive website. With one website whose design shifts based on the size of the screen viewing it, your customers can have a similar experience whether they visit you on their phone, their tablet, their computer – or all three! And that only scratches the surface of the benefits that responsive web design offers.

2 Useful, Optimized Blog Posts a Week (at least!)

When it comes to optimizing your website to get the most search traffic, sharing information with potential and current customers, and building your authority as an expert in your field, there’s nothing more effective than a regular business blog. (Oh, and don’t forget that you can use those blog posts to help jump start your social media, too.)

Use blogs to tackle topics like frequently asked questions, correct common misconceptions, and educate potential customers on how your products and services solve their problems or improve their lives. The best part? You can start blogging effectively with even 2 blog posts a week.

3D Animated Logo Design We all live in a digital world, and 3D animation is a visually engaging and interesting way to add dimension to your designs – literally! 3D animation takes static designs, like your logo, and brings them to life in a digital format that you can use on videos, presentations, and even your website. Older, dull, or stale logos are often updated with a new design, but 3D animation takes the revamp a step further, to truly modernize it.

It’s can also be very useful, as when you visualize what your company does – like a shredding company whose logo gets shredded – or use a more subtle animation to catch your audience’s eye. With the growth of video, especially online and on mobile devices, 3D animation helps you put your stamp on your videos in a whole new way. You’d be amazed at some of the things you can get with 3D animation, and customers definitely notice.

4 Layers of Search Engine Optimization We live in a searchable world, and, in order to get in front of new customers online, search engine optimization (SEO) is key. But this SEO isn’t just about keywords – when done well, SEO is about helping connect your site to people who are interested in what you have to offer, and just don’t know it yet. But as search engines have gotten more complex in their efforts to provide the best search results, SEO has gotten more complex, too.

That’s why great SEO works on multiple levels to help you climb the search result pages for the searchers most likely to become your customers: 1. Structural SEO (the foundational SEO built right into your website to make it search engine-friendly) 2. On-Page SEO (using text, pictures, headers, and more to emphasize what each page is about) 3. Optimized Content (targeting the phrases and ideas people are searching for) 4. Local SEO (targeting customers who are nearby or in your area)

If your business website isn’t using all four layers, you could be losing potential visitors – and therefore potential customers.

The 5 Customer P hases At the end of the day, what’s the most important thing for your business? REVENUE. Great marketing should increase your revenue, period. At Splash, that means we focus on maximizing the value of every potential customer. The best way we’ve found to do this is to move customers through the 5 Customer Phases:

2. Conversion 3. Retention 4. Cross- Promotion

5. Referral Generation

See, most marketing focuses on the first two steps: winning the customer over and making the sale. But with the 5 Customer Phases, we go further, keeping that customer interested in you, making the second sale, and even using the customer to help you make future sales by recommending you personally. Digital marketing isn’t just about making the first sale. It’s about maximizing every opportunity. And that is what continues to drive revenue.

1. Attraction

6 Things to Know About Your Target Market

Coming up with your marketing before figuring out who you want to respond to that marketing sounds like putting the cart before the horse, doesn’t it? But it’s a mistake that many businesses (and marketing firms!) make. The first step to any successful digital marketing strategy is to sit down and figure out everything about your target market, including: 1. Who they are 2. What they do 3. Where they are 4. What appeals to them 5. How connected they are 6. What they do online

Once you understand your target market so thoroughly, you’ll see that it shapes everything else you do with your digital marketing.

7 Marketing Touches On average, it takes 7 touches with your marketing before someone becomes your customer. With digital marketing, you’re increasing the ways that you can get these touches. With a mix of online and offline marketing efforts, you can maximize your chances of getting all 7 touches on more potential customers than ever. See how many different combinations of 7 you can get from the diagram to the right? Digital marketing uses the optimal mix of both online and offline marketing techniques to help you best reach your target market – and the reason it’s a mix is to maximize how many potential customers you can reach 7 times.

8 Modern and Varied Uses for V ideo

No longer limited to television commercials, what you can do with videos, both online and offline, is astounding. People are incredibly visual creatures, and you can create an immediate connection with them through video. Better yet, because of the variety of digital marketing options, you have a number of options when it comes to the kinds of videos you can do. Here are just 8:

What kind of videos would your business do if you had the chance?

1. An introductory video on website explaining who you are and what you do 2. Educational videos, like vlogs or webinars 3. Product announcements 4. Product demonstrations 5. A video sales pitch 6. A “Meet the Team” video 7. Corporate videos, including training videos 8. Entertainment/outreach videos (also known as “viral” videos)

9 Types of Social Media Posts Social media for businesses is one of the hardest nuts to crack in digital marketing. How do you come up with something new and interesting to post on a regular basis? Luckily, at Splash we’ve come up with a system that helps you get a good mix of posts for business pages. Want to know our secret? Simple: mix one or more types of posts from each of the 3 categories below.

3 Angles Behind the Posts (aka what you want the post to accomplish) • Attract • Reward • Engage

3 Levels of Post Intensity (how important or attention-grabbing the post is) • Minimal • Stepping It Up • Going All Out

3 Kinds of Posts to Use (what kind of update you’re posting) • Text • Photo • Link

We’ve got a fuller explanation of how this works here.

10%-Off, Surprisingly Versatile C oupons

“Oh please,” you might be saying right now. “Coupons are nothing new. Why waste a special tip on them?” You see, with digital marketing, coupons have a whole new life beyond the newspaper clippings you may be used to.

Or unleash a special coupon on all channels, but use different promo codes to track through which channel your customers got the coupon when they use it. So yes, coupons are still great at using offers, promos, and discounts to attract new customers and retain old ones. But with digital marketing, you can go even further with them than before.

Coupons are a powerful tool you can use on your website, social media pages, email marketing, direct mailers, and display advertising. Use different coupons at different times to entice and reward your customers depending on the channel – so that your social media fans get an exclusive coupon that your email mailing list doesn’t get, and vice-versa.

11 Jaw-Dropping Print Materials Who said print is dead? When done with quality graphic designers who understand your brand, you can make an unforgettable impression with:

Remember, the point of print materials isn’t to make the sale then and there – it’s to leave a solid, physical impression of you behind with potential customers and clients, so that they won’t forget you. And when used well as part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, you might be surprised how much mileage you get from the right print materials.

1. branded rack cards 2. brochures 3. business cards 4. note cards 5. direct mailers 6. print ads 7. vehicle wraps 8. catalogs 9. presentation folders 10. flyers 11. media kits

12 Wel l-Written, Targeted Marketing Emails

Email marketing has an average return-on-investment of $40 for every $1 spent. That means you should at least be sending out 1 email a month to a list of subscribers. (An email newsletter would work nicely for this.)

But you can also use email marketing to announce special deals, reclaim shoppers who abandoned their online carts, or even nurture customers into become repeat and loyal customers. There’s a reason we’re putting a special emphasis on “well-written” and “targeted” emails: in order to be successful, your emails have to be both. Remember that you are asking for people’s time (to read the email) and space (in their inbox). Make your email worth their time, and they will keep opening them.

Targeting also means that you’re paying careful attention to who the emails are going to and crafting the email to best appeal to them. Study after study has shown that targeting emails to specific mailing list increases your success rate.

(And if you’re wondering about the design of your emails? We’ve got a resource for that.)

Check out our marketing blog.

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