SYTYCB: Brand Strategy for Guinness




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  • 1. Evangeline LIM Willis LIM Alvin J LIN Jin Hao LOW Haruka SUZUKI Ravi VISWANATHAN SMU MBA Class of 2014 BRAND STRATEGY

2. ADVERTISEMENT 3. OUR INSIGHTS: CUSTOMER-BASED BRAND EQUITY Guinness is Made of More: there is more to the way it looks, the way it tastes, more to its soul & heritage SALIENCE PERFORMANCE IMAGERY JUDGMENTS FEELINGS RESONANCE Double hopped; Roasted barley; Thick creamy head; Unique surge & settle Power; Communion; Goodness; History; Distinctiveness; Tradition Distinctive & bold; Not settling for the ordinary or for common things Confident of who you are & having the courage of your own convictions Friendship compartmentalised, casual, best, childhood 4. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES Highly distinctive brand & rich heritage Respected for its quality by younger drinkers of better beer Not loved or salient outside of certain usage occasions (Irish Pubs & St Patricks Day) Business concentrated in areas that are not well- positioned to drive growth - consumer base is older than the competitions Recruitment of younger drinkers Increasing penetration amongst a broader audience, regardless of space or occasion Proliferation of craft brands which are driving much of the growth in the beer category SAFEGUARD IMRPOVE ON SEIZE UP THREATS NEUTRALISE OUR INSIGHTS 5. OUR BRAND CHALLENGE BRAND IDENTITY Brand proposition needs to be more compelling & go beyond Irish provenance CONSUMER PROFILE Consumer base is predominantly male & older than that of the competitions + 6. OUR PLAN - IN BRIEF This plan allows us to RE-DEFINE the way people think about Guinness RECRUIT the next generation of Guinness drinkers to access & unlock an opportunity that will be worth SGD 1.02B in 2016 * MarketLine Industry Profile, Feb 2013 7. OUR PLAN IN MORE DETAIL Guinness celebrates people who are made of more, People who demonstrate more substance, more style, more character Platform Idea ESTABLISH & COMMUNICATE A COMPELLING LIGHTHOUSE IDENTITY EXPAND CONSUMER BASE & USAGE OCCASIONS Re-define Recruit Strategic thrusts Aspiration Guinness becomes the dominant beer of choice amongst consumers, customers & influencers 8. LIGHTHOUSE IDENTITY ONE THAT GOES BEYOND IRISH PROVENENCE MADE OF MORE Guinness exists to inspire us to make bolder choices STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE BELIEF CAUSE PRODUCT ROCK FIGHTERS WE ARE FOR QUITTERS WE ARE AGAINST inspires reinforces People who want to be more & do more Spectators who sit by the sidelines 9. ACTIVITIES WE NEED TO INVEST IN Activation SustenanceAwareness Improve salience for seasonal & timeless occasions Seed key messages through influencers and media Leverage innovation to expand our reach and mass appeal 10. ACTIVITIES WE NEED TO INVEST IN Leverage innovation to expand our reach and mass appeal Non-alcoholic beverage Exclusive access to interactive content & privileges 11. ACTIVITIES WE NEED TO INVEST IN Improve salience for seasonal & timeless occasions Lunar New Year zodiac releases Celebrating love & communion 12. ACTIVITIES WE NEED TO INVEST IN Seed key messages through influencers and media ONE FCs Sherilyn Lim, Singapores first ever female mixed-martial arts competitor 13. COSTS & BENEFITS SGD 70K in incremental seed money For selected activities 8.1% YoY growth in NOPAT by F15 versus industry projection of 3.1% Activation SustenanceAwareness Budget: 20% of revenues from last fiscal year, 30/50/20 split as above Sustainable, self-funding A&P budget structure for brand activities 30% 50% 20% 14. THANK YOU WEAREMADEOFMORE .WORDPRESS .COM
