The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing


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The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing


Everything you need to know to get started.

Brand new to email marketing?Don’t worry, we all have to start somewhere!

It doesn’t have to be intimidating...

You just have to know where to get started.

So here we


Email Marketing 10101.

Email isn’t about sending spammymessages or buying email lists.

Email is about making real connections

with people who want to hear from

you, building relationships and

growing your business.


Email marketing is the lifeblood of any business.

If you don’t have a solid email marketing strategy, then you hate money.

Email isn’t going anywhere and is still one of the best ways to move a lead to a

prospect, a prospect to a buyer and a buyer to a consistent customer.

- Justin Rondeau, DigitalMarketer (


Plan an Email Strategy


What should your email marketing do for you?

Set goals by answering these questions.

How do you want your emails tohelp your business?1Do you want to increase sales for your product?2Do you want to build relationships with subscribers?3Who is the ideal subscriber for your email list?4How will it fit with your overall marketing strategy?5

Grow Your Email List03.

An engaged subscriber audience is the

to email marketing success.KEY

Add a compelling sign up form to your website or blog.


Create incentives to encouragepeople to subscribe to your list.

Connect with your social followers tokickoff list building.

Connect with subscribers offlineat events, conferences or in-store.

Write Engaging Email Content


A good email shouldn’t make people feellike they’re being marketed to.

The goal of every email you send:

to your subscriber community.



Types of emails:

Follow ups

Types of emails:

Follow ups

Use broadcasts to share time-sensitive information, like newsletters and product promotions.


Types of emails:


Follow ups are automated emails such as a welcome series or an educational course.

Follow ups

Keep your subject line short.

Utilize the preview text.

Be clear and concise.

Create a sense of urgency.

Be specific.

Ask a question.

Get personal.

Writing subject lines



Monetize your emailsCreate a paid email course.

Share links to featured product pages on your website.

Regularly offer exclusive sales and discounts.

Create a lead nurturingemail series.

Email is a more effective channel for converting customers than any other.

(that includes social media and search engine marketing!)

Design Beautiful Emails


Use a color scheme that’s consistent with your

branding, yet easy on the eyes of your readers.

Multiple columns can clutter your email and make it

difficult to read on mobile devices (which can

represent at least half of your readers).

Avoid a layout with more than one column.

Readers prefer short blurbs of information, which

can be easily achieved by including images and lines

when necessary.

Break up chunks of textwith visual images.

Feature your most important content at the

top of your email to grab their attention;

less salient information should appear closer

to the bottom.

Help readers focus on what is important to you.

Subscribers want to easily scan and pick out

information relevant to them, and providing visual

hierarchy makes this possible.

Include a brief overview in the header of your email.

Schedule and Send Emails


The day and time you send your emails can have a

how many people open them.HUGE

Create subscriber segments to send hyper-relevant information based on:

Geographical location

Subscriber behavior

and more!

Pop-up shop coming toPhiladelphia!

Advanced Email Automation


With automated emails, you can send the right message to the right person at the right time.

Email series

Welcome email

Sign up:website

Welcome email

Sign up:blog

Create multiple campaigns to separate subscribers based on interest.

Join me on my journey X

BeginnerEmail Series



IntermediateEmail Series

Link campaigns together to engagesubscribers with new information

after they complete the first series.

Intermediate Lesson 1

BeginnerEmail Series

BeginnerLesson 1 Beginner

Lesson 2

IntermediateEmail Series

Analyze and Improve Emails


Successful email marketing only happens when you commit to learning and improving.

To increase your openrates, you should:Set clear expectations.

Write compelling subject lines.

To maintain a high click through rate you can:

Remove underperforming content.

Feature popular content.

Send targeted emails.

How to deal with unsubscribes:

Ask why they’re leaving.

Reevaluate your email marketing strategy.

Continue attracting new subscribers.

To maintain steady trafficto your site, ask yourself

the following whencreating emails.

Is there a clear call to action?

Are there links to your site within your email?

Is your content valuable to your readers?

Are your emails consistent?

To increase your profits,aim to do the following:

Review your content.

Send targeted messages to those who didn’t make apurchase.

Revenue / Email quantity sent - Number of bounces =

Revenue per email

To track revenue per email use this formula:

Get Started with Email Marketing


You can do a ton with email marketing...

But you can start small by setting upone sign up form and welcome email.


Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Join me on my journey.

And continue growing from there!

Good luck, and happy emailing!

Want to learn more about email marketing?

Read the complete version ofThe Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing.

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