Turn one blog post into content gold


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Repurpose a Numbered List Blog Post

Extend the reach of your most important information

Present info in all the different formats your audience likes

Meet the need for new content

Write a New Blog Post for Each Item

Make an Infographic from the List

Turn Each Item into a Meme to Post on Social Media

Use All the Memes to Create a Slide Presentation

Create a Motion Graphics Video from your Meme Images

Add music and


Produce an Ebook or White Paper from the Blog Posts and Images

Record a Podcast

Make a Checklist for Download

Look at All the Content Gold You Can Make from One Blog Post

1. Several blog posts

2. Infographic

3. Social media memes

4. Slide presentation

5. Motion graphics video

6. White paper or eBook

7. Podcast

8. Checklist

For Help With Creating New or Repurposed Content

Meyer Baron1SmartPuppy


Fueling small business websites with content that attracts, engages, and persuades!
