What are the 4 pillars of building your online influence


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What Are the 4 Pillars of

Building Your Online

Influence?Hugh Benjamin | Marketing Consultant

Having an online reputation is one thing – being able to influence your audience is another.

Getting to this status takes times, careful planning and lots of hard work. If you have the right pieces to the puzzle, you shouldn’t have any problem putting it all together.

There are four key pillars of transforming your brand into an influential one, and they are as follows.

Trust: The best way to build this is to research your audience and give them exactly what they want – no strings attached.

Be yourself:

If you can’t make your brand stand out from the rest, then why should they follow, let alone listen to you over all the others?

Add value: Every piece of content you publish and every initiative you start up should be designed to add value to your target audience.

Collaboration: Reach out to other influencers in your industry for partnerships. This is a quick and authentic way to gain recognition for your brand.

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