Youtube for SEO



YouTube has always been a powerful SEO tool, but with the changes that Google has been making it’s going to become an even more powerful tool in relation to SEO.

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YouTube For SEO

YouTube has always been a powerful SEO tool, but with the changes that Google has been making it’s going to become an even more powerful tool in relation to SEO.

For those of you who don’t know, YouTube is owned by Google so it’s pretty wise to use the tools that Google owns for SEO purposes. YouTube is also heavily linked to Google Plus so people really need to be using these two platforms as their main social platforms for SEO.

If you’re planning on using YouTube for SEO purposes then there are different ways in which you can optimise your account.

You need to make sure that the channel itself is fully optimised as well as making sure the actual videos you’re uploading are optimised too.

If you’re struggling to optimise your account then here are some things that you need to considered when setting up your account and uploading video content.

Title: Try to include the main keyword of your video content in the title.

Description: Try to use around 300-400 characters to describe your video.

Tags: Try to use as many tags as you can think of to describe your video. Remember you want as many people as possible to find your video.

YouTube Ranking Factors

• User Engagement• Video Content Factors• Video Links• Channel Authority• Content Delivery

If you complete all of these factors you’ll be ranking top spot even without hitting high on your User Engagement factors.

Whilst all of the ranking factors listed are important, one of the most important things is the actual content of the video. You need to make sure your video is high quality as nobody wants to watch a dull, bad quality video on YouTube.

As well as thinking about the ranking factors noted down earlier, here are some other important points that everyone should be thinking about when optimising their YouTube accounts.

• User Engagement Factors• Views• Inbound Links• Social Shares• Embeds• Comments / Responses• Like (Thumbs Up), Thumbs Down and Favourites

All of the things listed above contribute to SEO so they’re still very important and shouldn’t be ignored!

YouTube is a powerful SEO tool and will continue to be so which is why it’s important you jump on this Social Media platform if you haven’t done already. It can be fun creating your own videos so just remember to make them good, high quality and interesting.

If you still need help with how to optimise your YouTube account for SEO, or just SEO as a whole then come along to one of our days of SEO Training in London, Portsmouth or on-site.
