Assault weapons


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{Assault Weapons

Why They Should Not Be Out-Lawed

Speaker: Keith Fournier

Proposed Assault Banof


What is being BannedRuger Mini 14

What is being BannedRuger Mini 14

The Constitution

•A well-regulated Militia• Security of a Free State• The right of the People•Keep and Bear Arms• Shall not be Infringed

The Second Amendment

The Supreme Court

• Militia composed of primarily civilians• Common defense• Arms supplied by themselves • In common use at the time

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

  Handguns Cutting Instruments and other weapons

Shotguns Rifles

California 953 451 44 59

Texas 581 332 48 34


52 81 1 0

New York 135 321 12 6

Louisiana 263 73 11 19

Michigan 239 114 14 25         

FBICrime In The United Sates


Facilities where people can get the


Legislation that checks for such


Assault Ban 2013

The Peoples Rights
