Democracy vs Communism


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Communism vs. DemocracyChina vs. New Zealand

•Government OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people in which:

•People Can Vote

•Elections are held

•People are treated equally

•People have more control

•There is freedom from corruption

•There is respect for the voices of minorities

•Importance is given for individual rights

•Ministers represent the people

•People are allowed to voice their opinions

•Government and individual people own resources

•Independent judges restore law and order

•Government has more control

•An Economical philosophy is followed

•People can not vote

•No elections are held

•Views of people are suppressed

•Minorities’ views are not heard

•Importance is given to ministers in the government

•Ministers represent the government

•Equal sharing of wealth

•People are not allowed to voice their opinions

•Community owns major resources

•Communism is a socio-economic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless structure of ownership.

•Leaders for each party

•Govern own countryChina

New Zealand

Thank-you for watching our slide show

on Democracy vs. Communism

By Faye & Boaza – Room 16
