Federal Reserve System Definition: An Introduction With Ron Paul


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Federal Reserve System Definition And The Real Truth Behind It

Juan Florez /

March 14, 2014 /

Tags: banking system, End The Fed, Federal Reserve, federal reserve system definition, Ron Paul

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Federal Reserve System Definition

Federal Reserve System Definition End The Fed Ron Paul

If you are looking to find the real truth about the Federal Reserve System Definition then you have

found the right source, which is more than a mere conspiracy theory. Here are the facts…

Although mainstream books may tell you roses about the Federal Reserve System Definition, the

actual truth may lead you deep down the rabbit hole.

They tell you it is an actual bank, that was created to stabilize the economy and that it has reserves.

You may soon find the OPPOSITE is actually true.

Federal Reserve System Definition: An Introduction

Two major central banks have already failed in the existence of the United States.

The first Federal Reserve Bank was introduced by Alexander Hamilton, then secretary of the

Treasury Department and approved by George Washington in 1791 for twenty years.

The charter was not renewed for 40 years.

President James Madison signed the second central bank into law in 1816 until 1833 when

President Andrew Jackson killed the bank.

Finally, on December 23, 1913, the third Federal Reserve Bank is introduced to “protect” the public

from bank runs, stabilize the economy and serve as lender of last resort.

But the track record you will soon discover, tells you whether the bank has succeeded or failed.

“By their fruits you’ll know them”. – Matthew 7:16

F Grade For The Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System Definition Ben Bernanke

From the moment the bank was born, it has presided over every major crash of the United States

and lately of the world economy.

Here are the major crashed and periods of instability:

Crash of 1921 and 1929

Great Depression of 1929 to 1939

Recessions in 1953, 1957, 1969, 1975, and 1981

Stock Market Black Monday in 1987

1000% inflation resulting in the loss of over 90% of the dollar’s purchasing power.

“Mini Crash” of 1997

September 11, 2000 Crash where investors jumped onto “safe assets” of gold and bonds

Stock crash of 2007 following the real estate housing bubble popping

2008 Financial crisis where Dow lost 429 points in 6 minutes

2010 Flash crash where the Dow lost 1,000 points in 10 minutes

Furthermore, what you could buy with $10,000 dollars in 1990, you could buy with $1,000 in 1914.

That is over 1,000% inflation.

Why Opponents Of The Federal Reserve Think It Should Be Abolished

Federal Reserve System Definition End The Fed Kill The Creature

Given the previous track record, it can be seen that the Federal Reserve System Definition of

stabilizing the economy is really NOT what it intended to do.

With reasoning, an organization that fails to reach its objectives should be disintegrated. If an

organization fails to achieve its stated objectives, then it does not make sense to preserve it.

But why is The Federal Reserve System incapable of achieving its mandate?


Its main purpose was not really its main purpose.

The real “Federal Reserve System Definition” is that of a cartel with a government veil, created for

the purpose of the benefit of the ones who run it.

Yes, it could be argued that its purpose was really that of stabilizing the economy but when the

conflict arises between the ones who created it and the general public, it has been always the public

who is sacrificed.

After all, they would not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

What golden eggs?

Easy money printing.

By having and controlling a central bank which in turn controls the money supply, they control money

creation, benefiting by it.

Don’t you see why prices have continually risen?

When prices in general rise, it is not because the prices are rising but because the money with which

you are acquiring your goods is losing value.

It is similar to when you are standing next to a car and while in your car, you reverse. It seems that

the car stationed next to your car is moving forward, but in reality, your car is reversing.

What Is True Behind The Federal Reserve System Definition Banking Cartel?

Federal Reserve System Definition Central Bank

Although every major mainstream book, liberal author, and news outlets continue to push the idea of

the Federal Reserve System Definition and the importance of preserving the central bank and how

its managers continue to make improvement for a more stable economy, the reality is different.

It was created for the consolidation of the national money supply, the creation of perpetual interest

charged to the public via inflation and taxation of the government on its people and the

establishment of a banking monopoly to prevent newer competition from emerging banks.

There is a lot more to how deep the rabbit hole goes, and it goes really deep.

If you would like to find more about more about the Federal Reserve System Definition, then I

suggest you read books.

What books?

Check out The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, Second Chance by Robert

Kiyosaki, End The Fed by senator Ron Paul and The Real Crash America’s Coming Bankruptcy by

Peter D Schiff.

What do you think about the federal reserve system definition?

Is it a bank created for the benefit of society?

Was it created to fleece the masses by stealing via the debasement of the dollar?

Is society better off with a central bank?

If you would like to find other amazing resources to learn more then feel free to visit my blog and

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