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Direct Participation

• The participation of citizens is usually restricted to voting.

• Once votes have been cast and officials elected, there is little direct participation in what laws are made or how they should be enforced.

• Once officials are elected, they automatically become representatives of the people.

• Nevertheless, citizens can (and do) engage in Indirect participation.

Indirect Participation

• Indirect participation happens via influence.

• A regular citizen may not be able to directly make or pass laws, but it is able to influence lawmakers into making and creating laws.

Argument against influence

• Many of the founding fathers wanted a truly representative democracy, in which elected officials studied the needs of the republic and acted accordingly, without outside influence.

• Outside opinions may not be well informed or may contain hidden agendas that do not efficiently benefit society.

Argument in favor of influence

• Many people believe that it is the duty of lawmakers to do what citizens desire.

• Many believe that the only way to ensure officials act according to the desires of the people is through a close contact and influence over the elected officials.

Political Parties and influence

• Though parties are mainly interested in winning elections, they remain organized in between elections; their members work together to pass laws and ensure their interests are maintained.

• Political parties can influence lawmakers also by keeping close track of their loyalty.

• An official who breaks with party politics may find himself or herself denied funds and offices.


• Another way to influence lawmakers is through veto. A president or governor has the power to veto a law, that is, to refuse to sign it.
