Market ters


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What information did you find out from your market research?

Is there a niche in the market for your product?

How will my magazine differ from those that are out there? Which magazine was my inspiration and why?

What is the message and purpose behind the magazine?

What information did you find out from your market research?

• A handful of customers do not intend on spending money on music related products but have read magazines and may even buy the magazines next issue. There are mixed feelings between those who enjoy a lot of detail and fewer pictures and those who enjoy more pictures but less texts. I will have to go with a mix of both that will please both audiences. The pictures will not be too overwhelming and will be chosen carefully. Same for the text, not too overwhelming and will not be full of information that is useless to the reader because they want to make sure the money spent was worth it. Most customers are interested in the artists featured in the magazine which means it's vital I stick with artists that will or may interest the reader.

Is there a niche in the market for your product?• I wouldn't necessarily call it a niche but it's

something to look out for. It still contains the typical interview with the artist(s), finding out a little bit more information regarding the artist(s) because if I differentiate my magazine from the competition too much it may not appeal to the reader's as it is something they're not familiar with. The ‘niche’ I noticed that my magazine had was the way it dealt with and fed information to the public. The information about an artist will not be worded too differently. I didn’t want to go down that road as everything I say will have evidence to back it up. Instead of rewording what an artist says I will simply challenge it and question its credibility to give the reader second thoughts.

How will my magazine differ from those that are out there?•The style of the interviews and questions asked will appeal to readers as it will be something they haven't encountered before. Like previously stated I will not differentiate too much. The magazine will also feature a section which allows artists who aren't 'as' popular and are not releasing smash hit singles to shine. The artist(s) must have a certain following and cannot be completely unknown or just starting out.

Which magazine was my inspiration and why?•My inspiration was VIBE magazine. After

researching a little more about VIBE magazine it specialized in finding out information it was not to suppose to know. I first went with the idea of maybe getting a personal look at the lives of certain artists via interviews etc and while that is possible and will be done, it can't always be done and is less likely to happen when you're a smaller magazine. Sections about what is happening to a certain artist are bound to get readers coming back. Customers who purchase magazines intend on finding out information they will not find out anywhere else, information that would not be given out in an interview.

What is the message and purpose behind the magazine?• The magazine serves a similar purpose to every

other magazine out there, to feed information to the public and to do it as good as possible. I didn't want to focus too heavily on getting 'gossip' out because it may make artists a little more reluctant for future purposes (Interviews, photo shoots etc). Although the purpose is similar to other magazines there is no real niche in the market and the best you can do is get good information that the public will want and bring it in by the boatload. The general message of the magazine always has and always will be a positive one. While we may get rappers who aren't necessarily promoting 'positivity' you can always find something good out of what they do.
