Music Magazine Analysis


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Emily-jane Mason.

Masthead- The masthead ‘KERRANG!’ is in a black font and has a unique typeface to which is a smashed glass effect. It is situated at the top of the magazine cover, but also below some additional information; with it being allocated near the top of the magazine, it attracts its audience more easily.

Plug/puff- This is additional information for the reader of this issue of the Kerrang! Magazine, it informs the reader that there are ‘free things’ within the issue; in this case, free posters. In this particular issue there is a Blink 182, Sum 41, Paramore, Billy Talent and Manic poster to which is featured within it. Main image- The main image is to some

importance to the magazine, it not only attracts the potential consumer and promote the band to some extent, but it also shows what is the ‘main article’ within the magazine. It is central to the other features of the magazine; as it is slightly in front of the mast head, this shows it is greater importance opposed to the mast head.

Additional information- This is additional information to which is a quote from one of the band members of the band ‘Slipknot’ it links with the main article and is part of the main cover line

Puff- This is a puff, it gives the reader or potential consumer an idea of what they may be inclined to win if they purchase this particular issue of the Kerrang! Magazine. It is an unique endorsement attract the reader more.

Other cover lines- These are other articles to which also be featured within this issue of the magazine, these aren't as important as the main article, so they are in smaller print.

Main cover line- This is the main cover line, it is situated across the middle of the magazine in a bold font/typeface. It also makes a strong link with the main article to which will feature within the magazine.

Barcode, Issue number, Cost, Date of distribution/release date.

House colours are red black, yellow and white. These are particular colours to which will feature a lot throughout the magazine.

Front Cover Analysis.

The magazine uses several images on the contents page itself, this is very Particular of the magazine ‘KERRANG!’. The magazine is more casual then most other existing Music Magazines so therefore this is likely for it to do so. They are significant to other articles to possibly be included in the magazine, they're most likely additional articles rather than a feature article because how small the images are.The contents uses a relatively large Image

this suggesting that it is significantly important to the magazine or perhaps the main feature to be featured on the magazine (although not in this case). In this case however it is perhaps stressing the fact that is probably the second main focus point or feature of the magazine.

The magazine includes an editorial, a chance to show the editors overall views on the magazine, there is a image of him there beside the text to which is a good use of structure and layout, i aim to achieve the same kind of layout or something similar and to include a editorial too.

The magazine has a general house style particularly in the formality of its layout and use of colours within it. This issue successfully uses the colour yellow, black, red and white to attracts its audience more easily, this relies consistent throughout the magazine also where necessary of course.

Contents Analysis.

The contents is to great importance as it allows you to have direction to specific pages within the magazine itself. It spars other information that may hint at the feature articles.

Double Page Spread Analysis.There are various images placed within this magazine’s double page spread, one specifically of all the band members in the top left hand corner, one of one band member in the bottom right corner and one of two band members in the middle of the page to which is significantly more dominant. These are all relevant of the text provided beside the images as the information claims to be about the band slipknot and the images are that of this particular band also.

I will try to use many aspects of this magazine, in particular the formality and structure. I think that i should also consider using quite a few images on my double page spread, ranging i sizes but using a large image like this magazine.

The layout of the text for the main article plays to great importance, it is uniquely placed in three columns, to which are all at equal width. It is a question and answer article, the questions and answers are segregated by the use of separate colouring typical to the house style; this allows the text to be easy to read and simple to follow.

i will perhaps use a similar typeface and layout of my article.

The secondary or support article, it shares additional information about the band.

There are many effects to which have probably been used by the professionals to create these photographs, i shall experiment with the photo editing software to which i have been allowed to use and hopefully create similar effects.

Front Cover Analysis.

Masthead- The masthead ‘Q’ is in white text and situated at the top of the page in the left-hand corner, it is also in a red ‘box’ like shape to which contrasts with it and makes it typically look more attractive and ‘stand out’ as such. The red ‘box’ consists not only of the mast head, but also the magazines ‘slogan’, the slogan derives the connotation of simplicity yet also effectiveness., the slogan implies that only this particular magazine consists of ‘great music’. Also with it being allocated near the top of the magazine, it attracts its audience more easily.

Main image- The main image is to some importance to the magazine, it not only attracts the potential consumer and promote the band to some extent, but it also shows what is the ‘main article’ within the magazine. In this case the image is quite central and the guy is within a dance pose commonly known by the late Michael Jackson. His arm goes through the mast head to which distorts it a little.

Main cover line- The main cover line is situated across the left hand side of the page and takes up like a third maybe more of the page, this is to entice the reader or potential consumer more to the product. This is also to show its importance to the magazine. It is set in almost a hand written effect, it is a simple yet effective font/typeface.

The magazine uses unique use style in term of the layout and colours that it uses, it uses several summer colours and vibrant colours such as the yellows, pinks and whites., these however aren't typical of a music magazine but are most excessively effective at capturing the audiences attention.

Additional information- This just simply has to be included or featured in your magazine; Barcode, Issue number, Cost, Date of distribution/release date.

Plugs- These are just there to entice the reader, it gives and informs them of additional information about other singers/ bands in this case.

Contents Analysis.

The house style within this contents is particular to ‘Q’ magazines mast head itself, it uses the same colour red to which is really effective. Its is simplistic of ‘Q’ to have used this particular house style, well colours as it only uses the two main colours of red and black, they're uniquely in contrast with one another.

In this contents page they have only used a few images rather than a lot, they vary in size of which is to what importance in the magazine., each picture is allocated with a individual page number to it rectifies where in the magazine you will find information about it as there isn't strict information already given.

The structure and layout of this magazine contents page is successful in the right that it is easy to follow for the reader or consumer of the magazine. The main features within the magazine are listed down the left hand side of the page.

The typeface and fonts of the texts are simple yet effective, this is good in the fact the i puts the reader or consumer at ease when coming to terms with reading it.

I think that i shall take on board some of the features within this magazine contents page with means of layout and house style.

Double Page Spread Analysis.

Yet again ‘Q’ has use the colour red to highlight specific things to importance, in this case particularly of the letters ‘T’ and ‘Y’, these are to portray the starts of individual parts of the article. This is a unique feature, that i may include in my magazine double page spread.

The magazines structure yet again is to a good standard, although very busy, it is all in a neat and tidy state on the page, all the text is in a simple format, font and is addressed in individual columns that are the same width.

There are a few images, all of the band and are significant to the article shown below, one of the images is of the band in a studio where as the other two are when the band are playing live at a gig or concert. They show the contrast of the band in their working lives.

There is a question and answer article, ‘Q’ have used two different colours to define the questions asked and then the answers from the band. I wish to use this aspect within my magazine.

The background on this contents is white and is simple but effective as it is in contrast with the other colours black and red, it also highlights the images and text successfully in my eyes.