Music Magazine Analysis


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Music Magazine Analysis

By Moi [Steve :D]

• I like NME magazines layout because there are images related to music or bands.

• They have all of the information but it is presented in a fun colourful way.

• I chose this magazine cover at it is simple. There are only few colours (black, red, white and blue) so the message of the magazine is clearly presented. Music can be fun and playful but sometimes its serious and grown up.

• This is another simple magazine design. There is a medium close up of Lil Wayne.

• To the left of him there is information relating to him that is within the magazine which keeps with the important left rule.

• Underneath that there is also information on other stories in the magazine.

• The text used is plain but bold with a drop shadow that draws us into the magazine.

• Blurt is my favourite of the magazines as it is a simple yet whimsical design.

• It is both straight forward and colourful which sends a message of “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.”