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Great Personalities

These are some of the people who have inspired us with great courage and moral strength. Inspiring personalities have various characteristics of humility, wisdom and vision to see beyond the current situation


“Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye

Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye”

History of Bhagat Kabir

Date of birth 1398 A.D _____ 1518 A.D

He Was revolutionary saint poet.

Emphasis on the equality and fraternity of all mankind.

Great political upheaval in India.

He was religious teacher.

Poetry of Bhagat Kabir

1)“Dukh Mein Simran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na KoyeJo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Tau Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye”

2)“Kabira Khara Bazaar Mein, Mange Sabki KhairNa Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair”

3)“Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya KoyeJo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye”

न मैं� जप मैं�, न मैं� तप मैं� न मैं� बरत उपबस मैं�

न मैं दी�र मैं�, न मैंस्जि�जदी मैं�न काब� का� लास मैं�

न मैं दी�र मैं�, न मैंस्जि�जदी मैं�न काब� का� लास मैं�

Bhagat Kabir was a revolutionary saint-poet of the Bhakti Movement. He placed emphasis on the equality and fraternity of all mankind. Once Bhagat Kabir was going to sell cloth he had made himself. He met some Sadhus on the way to whom he gave the entire cloth free of cost.

Famous event

PERSONALITYKabir is a very important figure in Indian history. He is unusual in that he is spiritually significant to Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims alike. Kabir openly criticized all sects and gave a new direction to the Indian philosophy. Kabir touches the soul, the conscience, the sense of awareness and the vitality of existence in a manner that is unequalled in both simplicity and style.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979), Pakistan's president and then prime minister, mobilized his country's first mass-based political party around a socialist ideology and highly independent foreign policy

Pakistan had been under military rule by a government headed by Ayub Khan since 1958. Bhutto, who served as minister of foreign affairs until asked to resign in 1966, realized that the toleration of the people for repressive government was diminishing. He felt that this adverse situation presented an ideal opportunity for him to assume leadership of Pakistan. In December 1967 Bhutto formed his own political party, the Pakistan People's Party, whose manifesto promised to alleviate the lot of the urban and rural workers and advocated an equitable distribution of wealth. His program not only appealed to the lower income groups but was supported by the urban intelligentsia which was seeking an end to the military regime and felt that Bhutto offered a new and dynamic plan and a necessary alternative to traditional religious parties

Bhutto's policies, aimed at reducing the power of such traditional economic forces as major businessmen and feudal landlords, were well intentioned but lacked sufficient consideration of economic realities. His government's economic policies were implemented hastily by bureaucrats who did not have the requisite management skills and background. Consequently, the economy became chaotic and left most sections of society disaffected with the policies.

“I have no hesitation in saving that my most passionate love affair, my most thrilling romance has been with the people. There is an indissoluble marriage between politics and the people. That is why ‘Man is a political animal’ and the state a political theatre.”

He was deposed in a bloodless coup by Gen. Zia ul-Haq on July 5, 1977. Several charges were brought against him, including the murder while in power of a political opponent's father. He was sentenced to death and was hanged on April 4, 1979, despite appeals for clemency by world leaders and international organizations.

• The sentence was carried out today in 1979. At the last moment, Bhutto tried to write his will but, finding the burden of historic last words too heavy, burned the result.

Christopher Paul Gardner •Christopher Paul Gardner (born February 9, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) is a entrepreneur, stockbroker, motivational speaker and philanthropist who, during the early 1980s, struggled with homelessness while raising his toddler son, Christopher, Jr.• Gardner's book of memoirs, The Pursuit of Happyness, was published in May 2006.

•As of 2006, he is CEO of his own stockbrokerage firm, Gardner Rich & Co, based in Chicago, Illinois, where he resides when he is not living in Toronto. •Gardner credits his tenacity and success to the "spiritual genetics" handed down to him by his mother, Bettye Jean Triplett, born Gardner, and to the high expectations placed on him by his children, son Chris Jr. (born 1981) and daughter Jacintha (born 1985).•Gardner's personal struggle of establishing himself as a stockbroker while managing fatherhood and homelessness is portrayed in the 2006 motion picture The Pursuit of Happyness, starring Will

•Gardner did not have many positive male role models as a child, as his father was living in Louisiana during his birth, and his stepfather was physically abusive to his wife and children. Triplett's rages made Gardner and his sisters constantly afraid.

• In one incident, Bettye Jean was falsely imprisoned when Triplett reported her to the authorities for welfare fraud; the children were placed in foster care. When Gardner was eight years old, he and his sisters returned to foster care a second time when their mother, unbeknownst to them, was convicted of trying to kill Triplett by burning down the house while he was inside

Despite her unhappy marriage and her periods of absence, Bettye Jean was a source of inspiration and strength to her son Chris. She encouraged Gardner to believe in himself and sowed the seeds of self-reliance in him.


Gardner quotes her as saying,

"You can only depend on yourself. The cavalry ain't coming.“

• Gardner also determined from his early experiences that alcoholism, domestic abuse, child abuse, illiteracy, fear and powerlessness were all things he wanted to avoid in the future.


Akbar The Great

Akbar The Great (1542 – 1605)

Akbar was the greatest of the Moghul emperors, consolidating a large empire across India, and establishing a culture promoting the arts and religious understanding.

•Akbar was the son of Humayun, grandson of Babur, and became the third Moghul Emperor. Although the first part of his reign was taken up with military campaigns, Akbar displayed a great interest in a wide variety of cultural, artistic, religious and philosophical ideas.

• Akbar was also know for his religious tolerance and, although a Muslim, took an active interest in other religions.

•Akbar came to the throne, aged 14, on the death of his father Humayun. For the next 20 years, he had to fight to defend and consolidate the Moghul empire.

• He faced threats from the Afghans in the North and from the Hindu King, Samrat Hemu.

•Akbar was known to have many good qualities. He was fearless in battle and willing to risk his life. He was generous to friends and rewarded loyalty.

•In his diet he was quite frugal, preferring a vegetarian diet. He had a great interest in religion and encouraged representatives of different religions to come to his court to debate great religious ideas.

•Akbar felt that the different religions were compatible with each other - offering different approaches to the same goal.

•Towards the end of his life he tried to create his own religion - an amalgamation of different religious traditions. However, it never extended beyond his personality and soon faded away after his death.

•(Akbar died in around 1605 and was buried near Agra). 


• Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, attained world wide fame for her life dedicated to serving the poor and destitute.

• "It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving."

Mother Teresa was born (1910) in Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Little is known about her early life, but at a young age she felt a calling to serve through helping the poor.

At the age of 18 she was given permission to join a group of nuns in Ireland. After a few months of training Mother Teresa travelled to Calcutta, India where she formally accepted the vows of a nun.

• "Love cannot remain by itself -- it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service ."

In her early years she worked as a teacher in the slums of Calcutta, the widespread poverty made a deep impression on her and this led to her starting a new order called “The Missionaries of Charity”.

The primary objective of this mission was to look after people, who nobody else was prepared to. Mother Teresa felt that serving others was a key principle of the teachings of Jesus Christ. She often mentioned the saying of Jesus,

• "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me."

• Awards Mother Teresa :

• The first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize. (1971)• * Kennedy Prize (1971)

* The Nehru Prize –“for promotion of international peace and understanding”(1972)* Albert Schweitzer International Prize (1975),* The Nobel Peace Prize (1979)* States Presidential Medal of Freedom (1985)* Congressional Gold Medal (1994)* Honorary citizenship of the United States (November 16, 1996),

• When Mother Teresa received the prize, she was asked, • "What can we do to promote world peace”?

• Her answer was simple: • "Go home and love your family .“

Over the last two decades of her life, Mother Teresa suffered various health problems but nothing could dissuade her from fulfilling her mission of serving the poor and needy. Until her very last illness she was active in travelling around the world to the

different branches of "The Missionaries of Charity"

• “Mother Teresa was a living saint who offered a

great example and inspiration to the world”.


"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. "

- Nelson Mandela

• Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918.He was the son of a local tribal leader of the Tembu tribe.

• As a youngster Nelson, took part in the activities and initiation ceremonies of his local tribe. However, unlike his father Nelson Mandela gained a full education, studying at the University College of Fort Hare and also the University of Witwatersrand. Nelson was a good student and qualified with a law degree in 1942

• . During his time at University Nelson Mandela became

increasingly aware of the racial inequality and injustice faced by non white people. In 1994, he decided to join the ANC and actively take part in the struggle against apartheid.

• During his time in prison, Mandela became increasingly well known throughout the world. Mandela became the best known black leader and opposition to the apartheid regime.

• Largely unbeknown to Mandela, his continued imprisonment led to world wide pressure for his release.

• From the mid 1980s, the apartheid regime increasingly began to negotiate with the ANC and Mandela in particular.

• On many occasions, Mandela was offered a conditional freedom. However, he always refused wishing to put the political ideals of the ANC above his own freedom.

Amir Khan•Amir Khan, with his penchant for perfection and professionalism, is one of the few method actors in Bollywood, who has taken acting to a whole new level. An actor, director, producer, playback singer, a state tennis champion, and mentor to his nephew – he’s all that and more.•Amir Khan celebrates his birthday on 14th March. He was born on 1965 in Mumbai

•The Ace of Bollywood – Amir Khan has never screamed from the roof tops that he is the star who actually rules Bollywood. Yet we knew that over the years he has gone one step ahead of his contemporaries and his films have turned out to be most anticipated ones.•Now what has been slowly and silently evolving for a long time has been officially recognised. Amir has gained the top slot in the new power list of Bollywood that has been brought out by Film fare.

•Amir has scored both as a producer and a director. His home production Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na did phenomenally well at the Box Office. And his directorial debut as well as home production, Taare Zameen Par, continued to dazzle people. It was also selected as India\’s official entry to the Oscars.

•Amir has not only emerged No. 1 in the overall Power List. He has been ranked No. 1 in the Top Actors (male) list. and No. 1 in the Top Directors list as well

•Amir was first introduced as a child artiste in the 1970's hit Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973) -- he was the youngest child in the trio.•Amir khan is good coz' of he is providing good service to the people of poor and poverty and childrens and the patients'

•Amir Khan states that he tends to take an independent approach to the world of filmmaking, noting that he does not "do different things; I try to do it in a different manner. I think every person should follow his/her dream and try and make it possible to create an ability to achieve it backed by its practicality." He has also indicated that he is more interested in the process of filmmaking than in the end result: "For me, the process is more important, more joyful.