Time magazine covers


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Time Magazine: Covers

Richard Stengal


-Managing editor at Time

-Since 2006

-Among the big three news magazines, (Time, U.S. News, Newsweek) readers tend to be male.

-Time and Newsweek have about two million more male readers than female.

-Time is has been around the longest of the three and has a slightly younger readership with an average age of 43.1.

-Average annual income of 65, 697.

-Insides are basically the same, all about the cover.

-It should be noted that, in many instances, the cover story projected to the international audience is included, if buried in the american editions. However, the point is the projection itself - the marketing of a 'news' magazine to its various audiences and what that projection says or does not say.

-Read by Americans abroad.

-Time magazines covers make americans look like they're just not interested in the rest of the world.

The past 27 editions of Time Magazine.

13: only U.S. was different from the rest11: were the same image3: had other differences in the covers

-So why are the covers different?

-Selective variations might appear to be politically driven, but what it may comes down to is the publisher using market research in an attempt to increase sales.

-Does time think that americans are too squeamish to see images of violence?

-"Countess examples of the publication tempting the world with critical events, idea or figures, while dangling before americans the chance to indulge in trite self-absorption" RE: Egyptian revolution cover vs. anxiety cover in US.

- Do these moments of marketing (through choice in covers) reveal more about americans or the state of american journalism.

-Combination of political censorship and Americans self-censoring

-Pressures of society to be PC. Don't want to be too controversial or challenge status quo.-Time magazine sales will always be their priority.

-There are consequences to publishing same covers to all countries.

-Cover appeal is important (Do people want to be seen reading a magazine with an offensive cover page?) -Cover need to be relatable to consumer (Does this mean US is self absorbed?)

-Relatable, neutral, non offensive, and recognizable.

“I think the covers I've done since I've been here have a strong point of view. You have to give people a reason to pay attention to the news. You have to present news in a way that's forceful and compelling.” Richard Stengal