Viking methodology



A hands on discussion of web accessibility testing techniques

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1Monday, May 20, 13

Viking Accessibility:The Warrior's Approach to Hands-on Testing

2Monday, May 20, 13



3Monday, May 20, 13

Goals and Objectives

• Understand accessibility testing techniques

• Understand common challenges by content type

• Gain hands-on knowledge

4Monday, May 20, 13


5Monday, May 20, 13

Review - Understanding Disability

6Monday, May 20, 13

Visual Impairment

• Blindness

• Partially Sighted

• Low Vision

• Colorblindness

What types of challenges will they have on the web?

7Monday, May 20, 13

Hearing Impairment

• Deafness (one/ both ears)

• Hard of hearing

• High/ low frequency hearing loss

What types of challenges will they have on the web?

8Monday, May 20, 13

Motor Impairment

• Loss of limbs, digits

• Palsy disorders

• Repetitive stress injuries

• Arthritis

• Spinal cord injuries

• more

What types of challenges will they have on the web?

9Monday, May 20, 13

Cognitive Impairment

• Autism

• Brain injury

• Parkinson’s

• Dyslexia

• Alzheimer’s

• more

What types of challenges will they have on the web?

10Monday, May 20, 13

Speech Impairment

• Stuttering

• Muteness

• Dysarthria (resulting from motor control disorders)

• Articulation & phonemic disorders

What types of challenges will they have on the web?

11Monday, May 20, 13

Principles of Accessibility

12Monday, May 20, 13

P erceivableO perableU nderstandableR obust

Focuses on user needs, not technology.

13Monday, May 20, 13

Assistive Technologies

14Monday, May 20, 13

Screen Readers

• Intercept what is sent to standard output

• Object info & content rendered in text to speech

Screen Readers

15Monday, May 20, 13

User needs:

• Keyboard access

• Text alternatives

• Headings

• Logical/ sequential ordering

• Proper labels

Screen Magnification

• Enlarges on screen content

• Different magnification modes

• Contrast Modes

• Cursor, pointer enhancement

16Monday, May 20, 13

Screen Magnification

17Monday, May 20, 13

User needs:

• Text alternatives

• Resizable layouts

• Flexible content

18Monday, May 20, 13

Voice Recognition

Accepts user commands to activate controls and interact with system

Voice Recognition

19Monday, May 20, 13

User Needs:

• Device independence

• Accurate text alternatives

• Accurate labels

20Monday, May 20, 13


As diverse as the array of possible disabilities and severities thereof

• Body Level One

Body Level Two

Body Level Three

21Monday, May 20, 13

Often Combined

simplyaccessible.comKarl Groves | @karlgroves

22Monday, May 20, 13

Approaches to Testing

23Monday, May 20, 13

Automated Testing

What is it? Use of tool to access web document and subject it to predetermined heuristic checks

• Plugins/ Toolbars

• Desktop Apps

• Web Apps

Automated Testing

24Monday, May 20, 13


• Unprecedented efficiency (cost per issue)

• Some issues don’t require humans


• Incomplete coverage

• False positives

• Subjectivity in a11y

• DOM testing

• User interaction

25Monday, May 20, 13

Manual Testing

What is it? Use of hands-on techniques to inspect for potential failures, possibly by emulating disabled user scenarios

• Code inspection

• Hardware manipulation

• Software/ Settings manipulation

• AT Testing

Manual Testing

26Monday, May 20, 13


• Accuracy

• Reliability

• Judgment


• Time

• Reliant on tester’s skill

27Monday, May 20, 13

Use Case Testing

What is it? Analysis of system behavior by subjecting it to scenarios that touch on functional requirements - in this case doing so with assistive technologies

Use Case Testing

28Monday, May 20, 13


• Can happen concurrently with other testing

• Gives glimpse of real-world issues faced by PWD


• Time

• Tester must know the AT

• Success with one AT !== success with all

29Monday, May 20, 13

Usability Testing

What is it? Observation of test participants using core user tasks, measuring efficiency, accuracy, recall, emotional response.

Usability Testing

30Monday, May 20, 13


Most closely represents user’s actual experience


• Expensive

• Time-Consuming

• Results may be skewed by high impact issues

31Monday, May 20, 13


“It’s a poor mechanic who blames his tools” - Old Man Brian


32Monday, May 20, 13


• Browser Toolbars/ Plugins

• Online evaluators


• Enterprise testing suites

33Monday, May 20, 13

Browser Toolbars/ Plugins



• Favelets Bar

• Web Accessibility Toolbar

• Web Developer Plugin

• Fangs

34Monday, May 20, 13

WAVE from WebAIM

35Monday, May 20, 13

Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar

36Monday, May 20, 13

Web Developer Toolbar

37Monday, May 20, 13

Favelets Bar

38Monday, May 20, 13


39Monday, May 20, 13

Online Evaluators


• aChecker


• Cynthia Says


40Monday, May 20, 13


41Monday, May 20, 13


42Monday, May 20, 13


43Monday, May 20, 13

Enterprise Tools

• AMP - SSB BART Group

• Compliance Sheriff - HiSoftware

• Worldspace - Deque

• Rational Studio - IBM

• Compliance Guardian - AvePoint

44Monday, May 20, 13

Viking Methodology

“Failure to plan is planning to fail” - Zig Ziglar

45Monday, May 20, 13


• Utility

• Accuracy

• Efficiency

• Reliability

• Repeatability

46Monday, May 20, 13

Driving Factors

• Modern websites are not composed of static content

• Certain types of issues occur more often than others

• Certain types of content have more issues than others

• Certain types of issues are more impactful than others

47Monday, May 20, 13

Audits vs. QA


• Should maximize utility

• Focus on UI component types

• Priority given to high use, high risk features and components


• A11y should be part of QA process

• Deliver fast, accurate results & guidance

• Focus only on in-scope work (i.e. user stories & features under dev)

48Monday, May 20, 13

Testing Web Content

49Monday, May 20, 13

Markup and A11y

• All content must be marked up using the most appropriate elements & attributes for the job

• All scripted controls must operate like the native controls which they mimic

Markup and A11y

50Monday, May 20, 13

Page Structure:

What is it?

How are users impacted?

Markup and A11y

51Monday, May 20, 13

Page Structure Requirements:

• Valid, semantic markup

• Page titles: unique, terse, clear, informative

How do we test this?

52Monday, May 20, 13

Page Structure

53Monday, May 20, 13

Keyboard Access/ Focus Control

Keyboard Access, Focus Control:

What is it?

How are users impacted?

Keyboard Access/ Focus Control

54Monday, May 20, 13

Keyboard Access, Focus Control Requirements:

• Focus order matches expected interaction order

• Items that should get focus do; Items that should not get focus don’t

How do we test this?

55Monday, May 20, 13

Keyboard Access and Focus Control

56Monday, May 20, 13


Cascading Stylesheets:

What is it?

How are users impacted?


57Monday, May 20, 13

• Content must remain readable and operable

• Visual indications must also be represented programmatically

• Color contrast

How do we test this?

58Monday, May 20, 13


59Monday, May 20, 13



What are they?

How are users impacted?


60Monday, May 20, 13

Forms Requirements:

• All fields labeled tersely, clearly

• Constraints identified

• All fields operable via keyboard

• Errors prevented

• Error recovery facilitated

How do we test this?

Forms61Monday, May 20, 13

62Monday, May 20, 13



What are they?

How are users impacted?


63Monday, May 20, 13

Frames Requirements:

Frames given clear, terse, informative titles

How do we test this?


64Monday, May 20, 13

65Monday, May 20, 13



What are they?

How are users impacted?


66Monday, May 20, 13

Image Requirements:

• Images not used to replace text

• All images have text alternative

• All text alternatives sufficiently clear and informative

• Background images, sprites not used for actionable items or content

How do we test this?


67Monday, May 20, 13

68Monday, May 20, 13



What is this?

How are users impacted?


69Monday, May 20, 13

Media Requirements

• Captions

• Transcripts

• Audio Description

• Access to controls

How do we test this?


70Monday, May 20, 13

71Monday, May 20, 13



What is it?

How are users impacted?


72Monday, May 20, 13

Navigation Requirements

• “Links” are actual links & use valid href

• Link text is unique, terse, clear, informative

How do we test this?


73Monday, May 20, 13

74Monday, May 20, 13



What are they?

How are users impacted?


75Monday, May 20, 13

Table Requirements

• No tables for layout

• Headers identified

• Header relationships identified

• Good structure

How do we test this?


76Monday, May 20, 13

77Monday, May 20, 13

Text Content

Text Content:

What is it?

How are users impacted?

Text Content

78Monday, May 20, 13

Text Content Requirements

• Proper use of headings

• Headings are unique, terse, clear, informative

• Proper use and structure of lists & sub-lists

How do we test this?

Text Content

79Monday, May 20, 13

80Monday, May 20, 13

JavaScript-driven Content

JavaScript Content:

What is it?

How are users impacted?

JavaScript-driven Content

81Monday, May 20, 13

JavaScript Requirements

• Device independence

• Keyboard access/ focus control

• Name, State, Role, Value

How do we test this?

JavaScript-driven Content

82Monday, May 20, 13

Name: What do we call this thing?

State: What is it doing? (Implicitly) What else can it do?

Role: What type of object is it?

Value: What is its value (if it can have one)

Using standard controls in standard ways gives this to us for free.

JavaScript-driven Content83Monday, May 20, 13

84Monday, May 20, 13

Accessibility consulting, strategy and assessmentsAccessible development and remediation servicesTraining courses, workshops and conferences Karl Groves

+1 443.875.7343
