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The presentation today is about



Dyslexia is the most common special educational need found in schools

Numerous statistics indicate that about 5% of the population are severely dyslexic. It is severe enough for them to need special help during their school careers.

10% of people show some dyslexic tendencies.

It can cause difficulties in one or more of the following areas:

spoken language




What is Dyslexia?

Reading Handwriting



Copying from the board

Short Term Memory

Organising Self esteem

How do we feel? Dumb Embarrassed Everybody else is better than you Slow Frustrated Anxious

How do we sometimes behave?

Shout and misbehave Have a go at everyone Just want to sit there don’t want to do

nothing Stubborn Chew pen Bite nails

Sometimes my eyes go funny and I can’t see them – it looks like they are going wavy and they get mixed up and small words look like black things with white in between.

What are we like?

Hard to do more than

one thing at a time


Clumsy ‘I can trip over my

own feet’.


Easily distracted


Hard to concentrate

However, what school subjects are we good at? Art Drama Music Sport Design Technology Maths Science

Strengths of dyslexic people


Good at sport




Good atDesign Good at making

things Talkative




How do we help dyslexic people? A well structured

reading and spelling programme that is multi-sensory.

Use of coloured overlays

Highlight key words Use post-it notes to

organise ideas

Use a computer to do school work especially extended pieces of writing.

Use mind maps to record work and to revise for exams.

Famous people with learning disabilities

Albert Einstein

Could not talk until age 4. Could not read until age 9. His teachers considered him

mentally slow , unsociable and a dreamer.

Failed college entrance examinations.

Lost three teaching positions.

Tom cruise

Huge success in entertainment field.

Can only learn lines by listening tape

He has been formally diagnosed with dyslexia.

Grey Luganis

Has extreme difficulty in reading. At a young age he was considered

clumsy. Became one of the most famous divers

in the world. Won gold medals in 1984 and 1988


Winston Churchill

Famous statesman Failed 8th grade Terrible in math and disliked

school Famous quotes : “A lie gets

halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”

Cher Famous entertainer Achieved success in two major

fields.Because of math learning

disability she can not remember phone numbers or balance a checkbook.


He was slow in school Had a vivid imagination which

his teachers considered a distraction.

He was destined to become head of one of the largest theme parks in the world.

Woodrow Willson

was the 28th president of the united states

As a young boy, had great difficulty in reading

Unable to read well his whole life Was extremely successful in


Thank you
