Ender bender 1


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Ender Bender


• Connect

• Olympic logo

• The views regarding this person in Ahmadiya Islam are largely similar to those held in mainstream Islam, but go a little forward and suggest that he migrated to India and died here. Below is a picture of his purported tomb in Kashmir. Who?

• Jesus Christ

• The English word X means dazed, intoxicated. It originates from an alcoholic drink that was introduced in the British royal naval in the 1700’s. It usually contained a key ingredient that was added to prevent sailors from contracting a particular disease.

As a result of adding this ingredient Y is a pejorative nickname that has come about for Britishers.


• Groggy, Limey

• William Clarke was an early cricketing entrepreneur, assembling and promoting an "All England XI" that played lucrative matches around England during the 19th century, before county cricket really took hold. Despite having only one eye, was also a handy bowler: in Canterbury in 1844 he took a hat-trick that is believed to be unique in first-class cricket.

What was so unique?

• Got the same batsman out twice

• Connect

• Hat-trick on test debut

• Connect – Pic 1 – Chad Ochocinco; wide receiver for the Cincinnatti Bengals inspired guy in Pic 2 to do something to “inspire and bring the youth all over the world together”. What?

• Ron Artest changed his name to Metta Worldpeace. Metta is the buddhist world for love

• Connect

Racial slur for someone of Italian descent in the U.S because of their darker complexion

Arabic word for the egyptian pound which was worth a certain denomination in British currency

Currency denomination used in certain horse races

• Guinea

• This phrase, a particular favourite of Nasser Hussain is usually used in the context of describing a big hit. The phrase has its origins in golf referring to "a well executed shot. In the old days, when clubs were made of wood, makers fitted a plastic insert into the club face as a safeguard against premature wear. These inserts were fastened to the club .

When a golfer would hit a good shot, he would say, ‘I hit it on the _’ .

What phrase

• Right out the screws/Hitting it on the screws

• Who’s gravestone – Ironically the height of the stone is a reference to the person

• Mark Twain – Height of stone is two fathoms

• This calligraphic typeface is called so because such typefaces started to be first designed in this country for chancery purposes. Messrs Arrighi and Manutius were the main type designers who popularised this.

This typeface is the print equivalent of underlining.


• Italics

• The constellation Mensa was observed and named by French Astronomer Nicholas Louis de Lacaille.

His desire to study the southern heavens led him to go on an expedition to Africa where he conducted most of his studies and experiments at a particular place that helped him observe the clear skies without disturbance.


• Table mountain

• The X penguin is a species of penguin found from the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Peninsula. One of six species of crested penguin, it is very closely related to the Royal Penguin, and some authorities consider the two to be a single species. It bears a distinctive yellow crest, and the face and upperparts are black and sharply delineated from the white underparts

• The common name was recorded from the early 19th century in the Falkland Islands. English sailors apparently named the species for its conspicuous yellow crest. X was a term for a particular style in 18th-century England marked by flamboyant or excessive ornamentation. A person who adopted this fashion was labelled X, as referenced in a popular American song.

• X?

• Macaroni penguin

• This is a common joke in Russian political discourse, referring to a particular alternating pattern that has been observed with respect to the state leaders. This consistent pattern can be traced back until as early as 1825 when Nicholas I succeeded his late brother Alexander as the Russian emperor.

This pattern has often been used to humorously predict who would win elections based on the presence/absence of something.


• Bald-Hairy

• The object in pic is a model of objects in the sky, consisting of a spherical framework of rings, centred on Earth, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomically important features such as the plane of the orbit of the earth around the sun.

• This object features prominently in the coat of arms of a country.

• ID object, country

• Armillary sphere, Portugal

• Bonus Question : What do the 5 dots in the shield represent

• The 5 holy wounds of Christ

• Coat of arms of which country?

• Element of coat of arms – what does it represent?

• The original motto of the element was Non Plus Ultra – changed to Plus Ultra. Significance.

• Pillar of Hercules

• X was an eminent mathematician, brother of Y, a nobel prize winning physicist. After receiving his doctorate in 1910, his most important contribution was the founding of almost periodic functions.

• X was also an excellent football player. He had a long playing career with Akademisk Boldklub, making his debut as a 16 year old in 1903. During the 1905 season he played alongside his brother, who was a goalkeeper. X was selected to play for the national football team in the 1908 Summer Olympics where he won a sliver medal.

• X and Y?

• This concept was first developed in Scandinavia over several decades beginning in the 1920s, leading to a formalized program in the 1980s. The concept was imported to the United States on a large scale in 1988 through the Harvard Alcohol Project. With heavy involvement by television networks and Hollywood studios, the campaign popularized the concept through public service announcements, as well as the encouragement of drunk driving prevention messages and references to the concept in popular television programs,such as Cheers, L.A. Law, and The Cosby Show.

• President Bill Clinton also participated in popularising this campaign

• In Brazil, since 2005, the spirits compan Diageo is using this concept to spread the message of not Drinking and Drive. Called Piloto da Vez, the program was born with the sponsorship of McLaren firmed on that year. Since than, Montoya, Mika Häkkinen and Lewis Hamilton participated in the program.

• Designated driver

• Give one word to describe the following

• Planking, Owling, Horsemanning, Batmanning, Tebowing

• Bonus question

• In 2010 the NCAA introduced a new rule for the season which the media dubbed the ‘Tebow rule’. What was it?

• Banning messages on the eye blacks

• Name the cities between which the plies. Who is it named after. What is its claim to fame

• Recently started Vivek Express. Kanyakumari – Dibrugarh. Longest length train

• The scientific name of this creature is X Y.

• Is an extinct species of physeteroid whale, which lived during the Miocene Epoch, 12-13 million years ago.

• Researchers assigned the English name of the biblical monster X to this.

• Y was a reference to the fact that all the researchers were all fans of this person’s novel

• X and Y?

• Leviathan melvillei

• 2009 playoffs the Detroit Red wings used this slogan. Put fundae

• Playoff Beard – A tradition in NHL for good luck

• This Hollywood actor had a six year career before his death in which he appeared in 5 movies. Each of these 5 movies was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar.

• In 1990 archived footage of his was used in a movie, which again got nominated for the Best Picture Oscar.

• Who is the actor with a golden touch?

• John Cazale

• The collosseum is usually lit in white – what are the occasions when it is lit in yellow

• Whenever there is death penalty awarded anywhere in the world

• Bonus question : - This person portrayed in the a 90’s movie (the actress playing her won the oscar) inaugurated the campaign with a symbolic thumbs up. Who is she or name movie and what was the significance of this cermony

• Sister Helen Prejean/Dead Man walking/ Symbol to grant the gladiator his life

• In the beginning of this century there were certain golf clubs manufactured that were disguised as walking sticks. Why so?

• They were called Sabbath Sticks – so that people could sneak a game/ practice putting on Sunday

• This milk sweet delicacy derives its name from a place in Karnataka. It traces its historical origin to Thakur family which migrated from Unnao in Uttar Pradesh to this place after a dreaded plague broke out there sometime in early 19th Century. With meagre funds, Shri. Ram Ratan Singh Thakur (first generation sweet maker) started making these and selling them and gradually, it started becoming popular.

• The technique of preparing these remains a closely guarded trade secret, known only to the family members of Shri. Babusingh Thakur, as handed down the generations, by father to son.

• What?

• Dharwar Pedas

• This mountain was named X by Polish explorer Count Paul Edmond Strzlecki in 1840 in honor of a Polish national hero and hero of the American revolutionary war ,because of its perceived resemblance to what you see in picture 2 (which is in Krakow). X?

• Mount Kosciuszko in Australia