Machine vision aarhus intimate surveillance workshop jan 7 2015


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MACHINE  VISION  How  do  our  devices  see  us?

Professor  Jill  Walker  Re?berg  University  of  Bergen  !Tracking  Culture,  Aarhus.  January  7,  2015

My walk from school to ballet with Jessie (6) as seen by the Narrative Clip

Richard Serra with Nancy Holt: Boomerang. 1974.

Tim Barker

The present is continually delayed, given the same material existence as the past so it can become signal for the computer that is indistinguishable from the signal the computer receives from the archived data.

Talk at Le sujet digital 3, 13 Nov 2014

When we take a selfie on a phone with a front-facing screen and camera we simultaneously see ourselves and record ourselves.


Katie Warfield

Sunday at home with the kids.

Monday at work.

Tuesday - walked to work, used standing desk, more aware of not just sitting still.

Fitbit as diary

Chronos: Find your time. See how you are spending your time without lifting a finger. chronos runs in the background on your phone and automatically captures every moment.

We bring up our children to expect detailed tracking

Når en professor slutter ved det humanistiske fakultet ved UiB er det et excelark som bestemmer hvilket fagområde den ledige stillingen skal utlyses i. (Bemanningsplanen er tatt fra sakspapirene til fakultetsstyremøtet i nov 2013)

“Numerical narratives”— Roberto Simanowski in his

keynote to Remediating the Social, Edinburgh 2012.

Vi bruker også litterære former for å organisere

våre egne historier

709. Hard winter. Duke Gottfried died. 710. Hard winter and deficient in crops. 711. 712. Flood everywhere. 713. 714. Pippin, mayor of the palace, died. 715. 716. 717. 718. Charles devestated the Saxons with great destruction. 719. 720. Charles fought against the Saxons. 721. Theudo drove the Saracens out of Aquitaine. 722. Great crops. 723. 724. 725. Saracens came for the first time.

The Annals of St Gall

Three modes of self-representation:Written

Diary: (CC) Ellen Thompson Selfie: (CC) TempusVolut Nicholas Fultron: The Fultron Annual Report, 2007.

Visual Quantitative

To photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed. It means putting oneself into a certain relation to the world that feels like knowledge—and, therefore, like power.

Susan Sontag: On Photography (1977)Image (c) Chris Felver

Susan Sontag: On Photography (1977)Image (c) Chris Felver

“Photographed images do not seem to be statements about the world so much as pieces of it, miniatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire.”

Image: (CC) Greg Peverill-Conti

Dataism is a widespread belief in the objective quantification and

potential tracking of all kinds of human behavior and sociality

through online media technologies.

José van DijckProfessor of Media Studies University of Amsterdam

Johanna Drucker on subjective visualisations.

Marwick, Status Update, page 12.

In the early twentieth century, the technology of public schooling was designed to regulate children to work in factories: children were trained to respond to bells, walk in lines, and perform repetitive tasks. (..) Web 2.0 technologies function similarly, teaching their users to be good corporate citizens in the postindustrial, post-union world by harnessing marketing techniques to boost attention and visibility.

In the graphopticon the social graph combines with the omniopticon to create the potential of being audited all the time.

“What Do Metrics Want?” Computational Culture 2014 (4)

Ben Grosser

Miles Hochstein: A Documented Life

Noah Kalina, 2006:

Eleanor Antin: Carving, 1972.

Tehching Hsieh, 1980-1981

Thanks to Mark Jeffery for telling me about this.( )

Aligning yourself to the machine-readable faceEveryday app:

Google Photosphere tries to edit humans out.

There are no digital natives but the devices themselves; no digital immigrants but the devices too. They are a diaspora, tentatively reaching out into the world to understand it and themselves, and across the network to find and touch one another. This mapping is a byproduct, part of the process by which any of us, separate and indistinct so long, find a place in the world. Bridle

Machine vision - new aesthetics

read more: / @jilltxt
