Make your own candles!


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  1. 1. MAKE YOUR OWN CANDLES! By: Natasha Fuller
  2. 2. STEP 1 GATHER INGREDIENTS Glass Jars Wicks Crayola Crayons Soy or Bees Wax Dixie or Bath Cups Popsicle sticks or plastic knives Optional - Scents
  3. 3. STEP 2 Melt some wax in a Dixie cup Pour into bottom of glass jar Drop in wick, placing in the center, and let wax harden.. While the wax is hardening, peel the paper off your crayons
  4. 4. STEP 3 Fill Cup with wax and break off half crayon to make each color. Microwave until it liquefies
  5. 5. STEP 4 Pour in wax from each cup. Let sit on dish rack, or just propped up for half hour
  6. 6. STEP 5 Heat next color wax Add more wax as needed. Heat. Stir. Rotate glass jars onto sides.
  7. 7. STEP 6 Add second color of wax Set jar back on rack/side to cool for 30 minutes
  8. 8. STEP 7 Heat third color, using same method as previous colors. Set jar on flat surface Add final color to top of candle Let sit for 30 minutes
  9. 9. ENJOY!!!