Motivational Speaker, Kimberly Carnevale; "The Champion-Builder"


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The Champion-Builder™

Introducing award-winning Motivational Speaker, Kimberly Carnevale.

Her story is amazing, hearing her tell is magical.

Her life-lessons are life-changing

What IS Success?

All programs are available in both secular and faith-based format

What IS a champion?

The Champion-Builder™

Specializing in Youth Motivation,

Building Championsin school…

Building Championsin business. . .

… and building ChampionsIn life through humor

In the past decade, Kimberly has endured and overcome

seemingly impossible challenges:

In 1998, sustained a traumatic brain injury and was forced to relearn how to read, write, walk and talk again.

In 2002, she gave birth to the child she was told would be impossible only to became a single mom due to tragic loss right before her baby was born.

In 2006, Kimberly and her (then three year old) daughter endured a home invasion/brutal attack and the loss of their entire family

Kimberly and her daughter experienced four and a half years of homelessness due to the attack and Kimberly’s cognitive deficits

While on a year-long speaking tour with her daughter, suffered near-fatal pulmonary embolisms and faced a year of intensive rehabilitation

Kimberly and her daughter (ten-years old) were ranch-sitting when the historic, Black Forest, CO wildfire broke out. They successfully evacuated several horses and other animals as well as some homes during the disaster.

....throughout all of these challenges, Kimberly implemented her Champion-Building strategies in order to successfully overcome them.

These are the same, proven tools she shares with her audiences in order to build business, school, and life.

Discover the magicalMotivation…

Treat your group to a life-changing event they’ll never

forget…All programs available

nationwide in secular or faith-based


