Politics and martial law in pakistan


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BS-IT 1st Group II

Politics & Martial law in Pakistan



Jinnah - Mountbatten Talks [1947] 

Liaquat Ali Khan as Prime Minister [1947-1951] 

Quaid-e-Azam Became Governor General [1947-48]



 Khawaja Nizam-ud-din Becomes Governor General [1948-1951]

Khawaja Nazimuddin becomes Prime Minister [1951-1953] 

Ghulam Muhammad becomes Governor General [1951] 

Muhammad Ali Bogra becomes Prime Minister [1953] 

Iskander Mirza became President– [1958]



Martial Law Under Field Marshal Ayub Khan [1958-62] 

Field Marshal Ayub Khan Becomes President [1962-69] 

Introduction: Martial Law under

General Yahya Khan [1969-71] 

Martial Law under General Zia-ul-Haq [1977-1985] 

Muhammad Khan Junejo Becomes Prime Minister [1985-88]



Death of General Zia-ul-Haq [1988] 

Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister [1988] 

Ghulam Ishaq Khan becomes President [1988-93]


Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister [1990] 

Benazir Bhutto becomes Prime Minister [1993]

Benazir Bhutto becomes Prime Minister [1993] 


Military Comes to Power Again [Oct 12, 1999] 

Pervez Musharraf Becomes President [June, 2001]

Introduction:Chief Justice suspended

[March 2007]

Benazir Bhutto Died In [2007]

Introdution:Asif Ali Zardari Became President In [2008]

Yusuf Raza Gilani Became Prime Minister In [2008]

Yusuf Raza Gilani Disqualified In [2012]


Raja Pervaiz Ashraf became Prime Minister [2012]

Care take Government take control on [16 March 2013-11 May 2013]

PPP became 1st Govt to complete its 5 years


Nawaz Sharif Became Prime Minister In [2013]

Mamnoon Hussain Became President In [2014]

1st Martial Law (1958):

President Sikandar Mirza, realizing he had no chance of being re-elected president.

He proclaimed 1st martial law on october 7,1958.

Mirza supported by General Muhammad Ayub Khan, commander in chief of army.

1st Martial Law (1958):

Twenty days later, Ayub forced the president to resign and assumed the presidency himself.

Ayub’s government increased developmental funds to East Pakistan more than threefold.

1st Martial Law (1958):

In 1959, Ayub ordered the planning and construction of a new national capital to replace karachi.

Islamabad officially became the new capital in 1967.

2nd Martial Law (1969):

General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan

declared martial law, dissolved the

assemblies and became president after Ayub

Khan stepped down as president on

March 25, 1969.

2nd Martial Law (1969):

On April 3, 1969 he formed a three member council of administration with himself as its chairman and next day issued provincial constitution order.

On April 8, 1969 he ordered that martial law administratins of East and West Pakistan will also perform duties of the governers.

3rd Martial Law (1977):

Electins were held on March 7, 1977. The Pakistan Peoples Party won these elections, but was accused by their opponents.

On July 5, 1977 the chief of army staff General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq impose martial law and the elections were postponed.

3rd Martial Law (1977):

General Zia-ul-Haq announced holding of elections within 90 days.

Under General Zia’s martial law Pakistan gained the status of most favored nation from the United States.

3rd Martial Law (1977):

In 1981 movement for restoration of democracy was established to return democrarcy to Pakistan.

Finally after the nomination of Muhammad Khan Junejo as Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1985 Junejo fulfilled his promise of lifting the martial law.

Army In Pakistan (1999):

In October 1999 Parvez Musharraf arrested prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his ministers, Musharraf dissmiss the Sharif’s government and prevent his plane from landing in Pakistan as he returned from a visit to Sri Lanka.

The End….!!
