#PremDac16: Can you see me? with @drbexl


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Dr Bex Lewis, Director, Digital Fingerprint; Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan University #PremDac16 // http://bit.ly/PremDac16-Bex

Can you see me?


Who or what do people see through what you create online?#PremDac16


Who are you online?

@drbexlImage source: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/577/700/8d0.jpg, http://www.spring.org.uk/images/shout.jpg

Most people have an online identity, whether you’ve actively contributed online or not: it’s worth checking your name on Google and seeing what results are returned.

What do people see online?




Sherry Turkle, psychologist and MIT professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology.https://www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together

Interview: http://drbexl.co.uk/2012/04/03/talking-about-kony2012-on-ucbmedia/ Clickbait: https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/25/wtf-is-clickbait/ Scams: http://superlucky.me/2015/09/how-to-identify-a-scam-facebook-promotion/ Rumours: http://www.snopes.com/

I share, therefore I am

@drbexlImage source: http://web.mit.edu/sturkle/www/Photo%20of%20Sherry%202010.jpg

“You know the sense that nowadays we always need to be improving ourselves – getting fitter, thinner, more skilled, less stressed. Society seems to have a compulsive need to see us constantly bettering ourselves. Someone argued that humanity has become nothing other than a resource to be updated.”


@drbexlSource: http://bigbible.org.uk/2013/09/a-will-to-vulnerability-lessons-from-the-digitalhumanities-and-1samuel/

“There is much inaccurate and alarmist information online, so churches and other trusted organisations can play their part in providing good information, or directing those affected and their supporters to pre-existing content online, or opportunities to connect.”

What can we do?


2017: ‘Digital Culture’, for Christian Handbook of Abuse, Addiction and Difficult Behaviour, edited by Brendan Geary and Jocelyn Bryan, published by Kevin Mayhew (2nd Edition) (forthcoming)

How open and vulnerable should we be when creating in the digital space?#PremDac16


https://www.wordnik.com/words/vulnerable @drbexlhttps://clairemusters.com/writing/

@drbexlSource: https://www.instagram.com/p/BMd0qUADrhW/?taken-by=drbexl


@drbexlSource: http://bit.ly/halt-pic

Who sees this?

@drbexlImage Source: Stockfresh

1. Parents2. ‘Kids’3. Newspaper4. Enemy

Image Credit: Stockfresh

“Even though in practice, face-to-face communication can, of course, be angry, negligent, resistant, deceitful and inflexible, somehow it remains the ideal against which mediated communication is judged as flawed.”Prof Sonia Livingstone, Children and the Internet: Great Expectations and Challenging Realities. 2009, p26



“.. People find it easy and more comfortable to ask questions about faith in a private space online… people on social media are directly contactable in a way that has not previously been so easy; paradoxically there is a distance offered by the online environment akin to the screen in the confessional box” (p18)



Conflict isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, and instead can, under the right conditions, create an opportunity to work through differences in a constructive way. However, when people engage in negative conflict, they’re less interested in trying to see if they can come to a mutually beneficial resolution than they are in maintaining power over the other side and trying to prove they are “right,” regardless of the methods used or the people hurt.Andrews, M. (2013), ‘In Conversation with Author Andrea Weckerle, Civility in the Digital Age’, A New Domain. Retrieved from: http://anewdomain.net/2013/04/07/in-conversation-with-author-andrea-weckerle-civility-in-the-digital-age

Challenge & Conflict


@drbexlImage source: RGBStock

“If you suddenly realise anything you post can show up in around 2 seconds on a Google search, under your real name and linked to your FB profile, you'll be far less likely to engage in the more controversial debates … in case it comes back to haunt you later.”http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?p=70283991

Anonymity Online


“If we don’t like what social media is presenting us [with], we should look at society instead, not just the tool they communicate with.”Caroline Criado-Perez, 2013

@drbexlSource: http://www.interhacktives.com/2013/12/04/5th-hackney-debate-social-media-blessing-curse/

• Redeye Photography event http://bit.ly/TrollingTheArtist

• Don’t forget the famous saying attributed to Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

• http://www.stoponlineabuse.org.uk/

Cyberbullying & Trolling

@drbexlImage: Sarah Maple/Bex Lewis

“Users need to be particularly careful about the information that is shared, whether by themselves, or by their friends, and all users need to look out for clever tricks, such as ‘viral’ missing person posts, whether for partners, or for children. Some are a hoax, others are for people in hiding or under police protection, and others are for children who have been adopted because of the risk of significant harm. If you are even thinking of sharing, check with police or Interpol records, but in any case, notify the police, so that they have the opportunity to offer safeguarding protection if required.”Chapman, K. (2015), ‘Be careful about “missing person” posts’, Google+. Retrieved from: https://plus.google.com/+KimberlyChapman/posts/gn8ZrgGnMXK, and Barefoot Social Work (2015), ‘The Dangers of Social Media for 'Missing' Children’. Retrieved from: http://barefootsocialwork.weebly.com/blog/the-dangers-of-social-media-for-missing-children

Adoption & Fostering


Dr Bex Lewis, Director, Digital Fingerprint; Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan University#PremDac16 // http://bit.ly/PremDac16-Bex

