Quiz Quest Prelims with Answers


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Question 1

Logo of?

Answer 1

International Year Of Light!

Question 2

What was going on here?

Answer 2

The Manhattan Project

Question 3

X (1816-1892) was a German inventor and industrialist. X’s name

has been adopted as the SI unit of electrical conductance(with

symbol S). He was also the founder of the electrical and

telecommunications company X.

Answer 3


Question 4

What is being illustrated in this image?

Answer 4

The Raman Effect

Question 5

Alfred Mosher Butts, an architect from Poughkeepsie, New York, decided to invent a board game. He attempted to create a game that would use both chance and skill. To decide on letter distribution, he studied the front page of The New York Times and did painstaking calculations on letter frequency. His basic cryptographic analysis of our language and his original tile distribution have remained valid for almost three generations. What game am I talking about?

Answer 5


Question 6


Answer 6

Photovoltaic Effect.

First Picture: Solar Cell. It is powered by this effect.

Second Picture: Edmond Becquerel discovered the Photovoltaic effect

Question 7

X was an administrator of the Ferme Générale and a powerful member of a number of other aristocratic councils. All of these political and economic activities enabled him to fund his scientific research. At the height of the French Revolution, he was accused by Jean-Paul Marat of selling adulterated tobacco and of other crimes, and was eventually guillotined a year after Marat's death. Benjamin Franklin was familiar with X, as they were both members of the "Benjamin Franklin inquiries" into Mesmer and animal magnetism. Who is X?

Answer 7

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier.

Question 8

A state funeral for this great lady, who died of cancer, took place at a Kenyan national park she fought to save. She was cremated in a casket made of bamboo, water hyacinth and papyrus so that no trees would be cut down. Identify her.

Answer 8

Wangari Maathai

Question 9

The Munich physics professor Philipp von Jolly advised X against going into physics, saying, “in this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes.”

His lesser known but equally important work can be traced with the greats of Rayleigh, Jean , Wien and relying heavily on Boltzmann.



Max Planck

Question 10

Knot theory is a branch of topology dealing with the study of mathematical knots. The visual on the following slide shows an example of a mathematical knot called trefoil knot. It finds applications in a variety of areas. It is required to explain sun's corona structure mathematically. Interestingly it also explains the reason behind an everyday nuisance. Which nuisance we are talking about?


Answer 10

Tangling of earphones

This candy-coated Tesla belongs to X. His employees played an elaborate

April Fool’s Day prank and transformed his zero-emissions car into a flashy

Batmobile. Identify X.

Question 11

Answer 11

Sergey Brin

Question 12

The Five Fists of Science is a graphic novel showing X, his (real-life) friend Mark Twain and Bertha von Suttner combine forces to try to bring about world peace through superior firepower. They are soon confronted by dark forces led by the dastardly Y (X?s real-life archrival), John Pierpont Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and Guglielmo Marconi. The protagonists are shown in the cover of the book. Identify X and Y. Pic in the next slide.


Answer 12

X - Nikola Tesla

Y - Thomas Alva Edison

Question 13


Answer 13

Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

Question 14


Answer 14

Pictures of solar deities

Question 15


« Le marchand de la mort est mort.»


Answer 15

Alfred Nobel:

A French obituary stated "Le

marchand de la mort est mort"

("The merchant of death is dead") referring to Alfred Nobel as they thought that he was dead when it was his brother who had actually died.

The element was Nobelium.

Question 16

Jack Cover, a NASA researcher, began developing X in 1969. By 1974, Cover had completed the device, which he named after his childhood hero Thomas A. Swift (A fictional character). He named X after Tom Swift because this fictional character had an electric rifle which is a good way to describe X. X is a commonly used weapon for self-defense.Identify X.

Answer 16


Question 17

This first appeared in 1946, at the University of California. At the time, it was rendered as magenta, and was set on a blue background. The modern version used in the U.S. is magenta against a yellow background, and it is drawn with a central circle of radius R, an internal radius of 1.5R and an external radius of 5R for the blades, which are separated from each other by 60°. What is being referred here?

Answer 17

The International Hazard Symbol.

Question 18

The prizes are presented by genuine Nobel laureates, originally at a ceremony in a lecture hall at MIT but now in Sanders Theater at Harvard University. It contains a number of running jokes, like a little girl who repeatedly cries out, "Please stop: I'm bored," in a high-pitched voice if speakers go on too long. The awards ceremony is traditionally closed with the words: "If you didn't win a prize — and especially if you did — better luck next year!". The Logo ->

What am I talking about?

Answer 18

Ig Nobel Awards

Question 19

The logo of an organisation X visually depicts the upward mobility of X with the arrow shooting upwards conveying that it can break all barriers, be it gravity or mindsets, according to the latest edition of the official journal of X. The name X is written in Devnagari and English with the latter in a stylised font called 'Prakrta' resembling the Devanagari script to create a balance in design. The colours used are Orange and Blue.Identify X.

Clue next slide

Question 19

First Chairman of X.

Answer 19


Question 20

X, one of the earliest surgeons of the recorded history (600 B.C.) is believed to be the first individual to describe plastic surgery. X who lived nearly 150 years before Hippocrates vividly described the basic principles of plastic surgery in his famous ancient treatise 'X Samhita’. Identify X.

Answer 20


We will soon announce the results, so stay tuned!

Hope You Enjoyed the Quiz!

Sanjay SeetharamanN Samyak Jain
