About Scot Ulmer


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Scot Ulmer is a dedicated and experienced young professional, who has been able to see both the ups and

downs of the business world.

Scot Ulmer currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he works as a real estate agent, who recently opened his own

company, Little Pink Houses Of America.

A raging workaholic, Scot Ulmer started working at the age of fourteen, and from there he's grown to see all different aspects of business, with real estate

in particular. Over the course of his 21-year career in real estate, he's developed expert-level communication, management and negotiation skills,

which in turn have set the way for his path to success.

Shortly after receiving his degree from Ohio University, Scot won the 20 Under 40 Award at age 26 for his contributions in business as well as

community. He co-founded a non-profit organization called “Aspiring Minds of Toledo” that brought young business professionals together for a variety

of business, philanthropic and community causes.

An advocate for nonprofit, Scot Ulmer enjoys working with various charities, so that he can give back to his community and work closely with his church on various projects to raise

money for those in need.

In addition, Scot’s firm makes donations on every house they sell to an organization called Little Pink Houses of Hope, which

sends families battling breast cancer on all-expenses paid vacation during their treatment.

For more information on Scot Ulmer and Little Pink Houses Of America, check out his website: ScotUlmer.com
