Niche Marketing Secrets to Grow Your Business


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with Joe Sesso

Niche Marketing Secrets to Grow Your Business

Niche Marketing Secrets To Grow Your


Joe Sesso

Author & National Speaker

Kelly Mitchell

Austin Allison

Tom Ferry

Chris Smith



Ten years of webinars from the very

best in the industry

Niche:A specialized, but profitable

corner of the market.

Identify Your Niche

� What am I passionate about?

� If I weren’t working right now, what would I be doing?

� What am I most excited about and/or interested in?

� Who is my ideal client?

� If I could be anyone in the world, who would I be?

� Which books & articles are most compelling to me?

How can my interests interact

with my business?

Build Your Community

Four Rules For Communities

� Exist for a greater purpose, not just to sell

� Content marketing builds tribes

� Stop selling immediately

� Do less talking and more facilitating

Follow Your Passion

It is your passion that will drive you to make those

extra calls, to knock on a few extra doors, to

vigorously work FSBO’s and expired listings, and to

follow up with past clients.


Dominate Your Neighborhood

� Direct Mail

� Door Knocking

� Mega Open House

� Google Pay-per-click (Facebook Ads)

� Expired and FSBO Listings

� Community Functions

� Notice of Defaults

3 Steps to Niche Marketing

� Identify YOUR interests

� Build YOUR community

� Passion will fuel YOUR

Success Local Connect

Connect with Buyers and Sellers the moment they’re ready

to engage.

Have your leads pre-screened and

delivered to you.

Work Smarter and Respond Lead Concierge



Your Source for Quality Leads!


& Seller

Grab Your Zip

Codes Before Your

Competition Does!
