Preparing to List Your Home?



Take a couple of minutes and see how Wyatt partners with you to market you home professionally, globally, and selectively to bring qualified buyers to consider your home.

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Please take a moment to watch this brief presentation.

We appreciate your time and understand the importance of having all the facts before you.

Hopefully this will help to prepare you for our meeting as well as clarify why Wyatt is your best choice when putting your home up for sale.

• Right now Housing prices are on the rise in the Houston-Galveston area

• Job growth in the Bay Area is one of the bestin the nation

• Interest Rates are still the lowest they have been in decades

• Because of the sudden upswing in sales, there justaren’t enough homes to meet buyer needs.

• We believe now is one of the Best times for Sellers because it is still a great time for Buyers!

The Wyatt name is synonymous with Galveston

County Real Estate; since 1941.

At Wyatt we believe in a Team Approach so you are

never depending on just one person to sell your home.

We work hard to keep current with the latest

technology but we never lose sight of the importance of one-on-one service.

We invest in the latest marketing tools to make the

phone ring…and we make sure a friendly voice answers!

The #1 site for buyers searching locally

The #1 site for Buyers both national &


Included Galveston


Not only does educate our buyers, we receive top quality leads from all over the country almost daily by investing in the Co-Broke Partnership Program.

A significant growing market in our area is the Hispanic market.

We believe it is just as important to have informed Buyers as it is to have informed Sellers.

We are fortunate to be able to offer translation services to all of our agents

We also provide translation capabilities on our website.

Here is where we


This is were we are going!

We use multiple resources to

drive traffic to our site.

KHOU Partners where our banner also appears.

Technology is moving faster than most of us can keep up with. Ziplogix allows us to complete entire transactions even when multiple sellers or buyers are across the country from each other!

Safe, Secure, Relocation Made Simple

…and when it does, we can forward it to you wherever you might be – at home, at the office, on vacation, or just out shopping.

I am going to send you a Sellers Disclosure Form for you to fill out. If you don’t have a printer, no problem I’ll be bringing one with me.

As a matter of fact, when we meet, we will be able to complete all of the listing process through our online partners.

I will have all the documents ready for you to sign through Ziplogix.

I will post your listing on HAR and while I am there with you so you can see exactly what it looks like.

If you are ready, I can place a lockbox and a sign in your yard and post the showing instructions right then and there.

If you have a survey of your home, that is something we will want to make available to other agents.

Have a couple of extra keys made for us; one to keep in our office for emergencies & one to place in the Lock box to provide to other agencies wanting to show your home.

If possible, have your home ready to photograph & we can have your home online by the end of our first meeting.

Also, any Relevant Documents, Warranties or Guarantees on work you have had done, or will be doing, like foundation, roofing, additions, termite treatments, new appliances; all that is good for us to have available in your file.

Thanks for taking the time out to watch this presentation.

I am looking forward to meeting with you on _________ at _________.

If you have any questions after watching these slides, give us a call or come on by.

We are open Monday thru Friday 8 to 5 and Saturdays 10 to 4. We forward the phones on Sundays but you can always

reach a member of the Wyatt Team.

….means putting all the tools made available to us to good use!

stepping out of the box and trying new things

and investing in Our Success by reaching out to an ever more connected Global Marketplace
