The Virtual Real Estate Team: The Unique Approach to Building your Virtual Business



Laura Monroe's RE Tech South 2011 presentation with Co-Presenter Patty Griffin Keller. The building blocks for creating a virtual real estate team are discussed.

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To Infinity & Beyond

Creating a Virtual Team

Presented by: Laura

Presented by: Patty

Embracing the Concept of a Virtual Office and TEAM

Virtual is not a FAD.You are already doing it.

1. Benefits with Friends-The Virtual Office

2. Creating an Environment for Success

3. Syncing Your Style and Your Systems

4. Bringing Your VA or Team Member into Your Cloud

5. It’s Not Just Me, it’s You

6. The Virtual Toolbox

7. Conclusion

Virtual Teams are a Unique Approach to Real Estate

Benefits with Friends The Virtual Office & Team

Cut Office/Desk Fees

Weather the RE market conditions

Better budgeting to streamline costs


The Mobile Internet is growing. Be where your clients are.

Hire the BEST team or VA, from anywhere

Flex Time-Let the time zones extend your day

Myth – learning to manage a Virtual Team is about learning how to use Technology

Truth – Learning to manage a Virtual Team (and Business) requires understanding People and the Collaboration Process

You are the Owner of your Virtual Office…

…and the Leader of your Virtual Team

Discover Your Superpowers

and your weaknesses. Then FOCUS.

Sync Your Style & Your Systems

1. Communication2. File Storage3. Collaboration4. Mobility

Bringing the Right Team into Your Cloud


Are you there?

Virtual vs. the Void

Creating an Environment for Success

It’s not just me… it’s you too :)

Remote Relationships•Establish Business Central-Your Epicenter•Establish clear lines of communication•Schedule weekly, or bi-monthly update meetings•Action Days, Deadlines and Milestones•Be Social-online watercooler using Social Media

The Virtual Toolbox:

Find the Right Tools. Be Flexible.

Have fun.

Collaboration ToolsFile Sharing

Virtual Meetings

Central Desktop

Top Producer 8iNo downloading

Assistant accounts

Client Management

Action Plans

Lead Generation

Social Media


Screen pics, & screen videos to share

Provide the systems and support to create an environment of inevitable success.

Real Estate is still a people business.

Sync your tools and technology to work with you and your work style.

The art of communication. Create it, listen, and get things done.
