11 mistakes to must avoid while quitting


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1. Leaving A JobLeaving a job is a natural career progression process but you must leave on a happy note.

2. MistakesIf you intend a smooth career transition and do not want to diminish your career prospects, you must avoid making the following mistakes.

3. HistrionicsDo not start throwing tantrums when you have put down your papers. Misbehaving could hamper your relationship with your manager. Moreover, you can be in legal trouble.

4. Stealing Or DamagingIt's not a good idea to damage office property or take away stuff that does not belong to you.

5. Don't ForgetDon't forget to hand over data and equipment and get a clearance certificate or e-mail from every stakeholder. S TO MUST AVOID WHILE QUITTING

6. Keep Pending ClaimsIf your travel and medical bills are pending with your employer, make sure you pursue the matter to conclusion and get your money before you leave.

7. CriticismDuring the exit interview, do not show your angst. Discuss only what worked for you and what was good about your team.

8. Holding A GrudgeAs you walk out, get over the grudges you had with your colleagues.

9. Do Your BestBe a professional and work with the same intensity as before during your last working days.

10. Show Your DemandThe impact of the tasks you did will help determine your reputation. Let your work speak for you after you leave.

11. Don't Share Your Future PlansIf you have job offers in hand, do not talk about them. Revealing the new opportunity at your workplace will cause negativity among colleagues.